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Everything posted by Artelusify

  1. Okay I've learned my lesson. Trying to mod is very bad...
  2. Bob Kerman makes it to Minmus orbit from the ground, using only 50% of his jetpack fuel.
  3. Oh man that's awesome. What mods do I need to have a working rover? I made a small mun base, with the help of the orbital construction mod:
  4. Just save the file, or copy and paste the contents to a empty text file and rename it with a .craft extension
  5. Woo! Here\'s a lander I made with only stock parts It\'s a little crazy looking though, with 25 rockets firing at takeoff Tip: Don\'t do your gravity turn until you decouple the 12 solid boosters and the 12 bottom rockets stage
  6. Pretty happy at this accomplishment took me several tries This time I was pretty lucky to get a landing in the sunlit munar surface. When I returned though I was nearly out of fuel (just a little over half a tank). Once I began my Kerbin orbit deceleration, I saw on the map that I was bound for Munar again capture and panicked because I ran out of fuel. But I was going so fast that I was thrown back out of the moon in a path back to Kerbin, which was pretty lucky. The first mission I opened my parachute too fast, with my craft entering atmo at around 2000 m/s, and it ripped off. In another mission I had to land in the dark, and couldn\'t see how high the 'actual' surface was. Here\'s the .craft I used if anyone is interested: http://deslee.me/~desmond/Des%20Lander%202.craft I used the NovaPunch and the Kosmos parts pack.
  7. This is me every time I make a spaceplane: Are there any guides on how to make one...? I understand the basics, wings, engines, put the landing gear shortly after the wings, put the wings near the back. But I still don\'t seem to get it For example, I made this plane and it\'s so hard to fly every time I take off. What I (thought) I did: • Put the wings before the center of mass • Put lifters in the front, angle them • Angle the wings up so the plane is more stable • Landing gears after the area of lift so the plane takes off easily But it still doesn\'t work
  8. Since the center of gravity is so important in KSP, I think it\'ll be a good idea for an upcoming version or a mod to actually show it.
  9. Oh wow thanks. I did not know you could stack wings like that.
  10. I can\'t tell why. I\'m pretty bad at aerodynamics. Is there some guide on how to build aircraft?
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