@K^2: Doing that doesn't make a difference, but you are right, I should be sure to do it after I set the Major axis. @metaphor: I am attempting to do it on rails like KSP does. Gravity is not a factor. @maltesh: I may be using the wrong terminology in defining my variables, but I am copying KSP for simplicity, and they call it Mean Anomaly. For reference, this is where I got my Coordinate equations... I just don't understand why I can't get it to work. I can set both the Major and Minor axis to 3, and it still goes far out of the orbit I intended, and for some reason, never negative on the z axis... I would look into how Unity does the RotateAround method, but since it calls and external dll to do it, I can't. So, for those following along at home, I am trying to create a function to give me the Coordinates of a body based only, for now, on the Semi-Major axis, the degrees per second, and the Eccentricity of the orbit. I will of course need to add in the Inclination, but that is more equations, and if I can't get it to function with just 2, I can imagine how it will do with more.