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Everything posted by LordVe

  1. While I know I have already asked a lot, I wonder if you can also tell me how to find the the rotation on the Y, IE to find f in K^2's equation. Also, since the equations are for bodies orbiting origin, How do I do a Moon?
  2. Be thankful that the Kerbol System isn't scaled properly. Were it, you would never be able to get to Jool. So far as I can see, the system is scaled at 10-1.5.
  3. So, everytime I calculate the Mean, I will need to run the iteration? That will get me the slowing down and speeding up of the orbit?
  4. I am guessing, but the fact that my venus is going clockwise, that the inclination is in radians. Am I correct? So, what is the conversion from what I am using to the 'proper' one? If I am going to do this, I would like to do it right. There is a Comet with an Ecc of .7 so, Ecc will be an issue.
  5. First off, Thank you. All I know is that t is called the Parameter... Beyond that... So I assumed it was the same as the Mean Anomaly. So, Calculating it as Degrees/Second * Degrees2Radians won't produce the proper 'orbital speed'? IE a Body with an e of .2 and one of 0 won't reach the intercepts at the same time.
  6. Good catch... Now it works. Now to work on being able to incline the orbit. You wouldn't happen to know the equation would you?
  7. @K^2: Doing that doesn't make a difference, but you are right, I should be sure to do it after I set the Major axis. @metaphor: I am attempting to do it on rails like KSP does. Gravity is not a factor. @maltesh: I may be using the wrong terminology in defining my variables, but I am copying KSP for simplicity, and they call it Mean Anomaly. For reference, this is where I got my Coordinate equations... I just don't understand why I can't get it to work. I can set both the Major and Minor axis to 3, and it still goes far out of the orbit I intended, and for some reason, never negative on the z axis... I would look into how Unity does the RotateAround method, but since it calls and external dll to do it, I can't. So, for those following along at home, I am trying to create a function to give me the Coordinates of a body based only, for now, on the Semi-Major axis, the degrees per second, and the Eccentricity of the orbit. I will of course need to add in the Inclination, but that is more equations, and if I can't get it to function with just 2, I can imagine how it will do with more.
  8. Here is my actual Code. Orbital Mechanics
  9. I seem to be having quite a bit of issue with a Non-Gravitational Orbital Simulation. Well, saying it is a bit is understating it. I can't seem to get the orbit to actually work. With the Planet having a Semi-Major of 57.909100, a period of 4.092346 degrees/sec, and an Ecc of 0, so that it is a Circle, it goes way out in an elliptical orbit. I am unsure what I am doing wrong. Here are the Equations I am using: Finding the Coords: t = Degrees * Math.Degrees2Radians //Convert to Radians x = a cos(t) (Radius along the Semi-Major Axis) z = b sin(t) (Radius along the Semi-Minor Axis) Calculating the Semi-Minor as: b = a sqrt(1 - Ecc^2)
  10. I don\'t suppose you could post the Edits you made to the parts. Rebuilding the 1st Episode Rocket, I found that My CP ran out of air rather quickly... Something like this: Part Name: Changed: X to Y
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