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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yeah I probably thought that the exception was posted on here as well for the "camera move" bug. It is in reference to https://github.com/KSP-KOS/KOS/issues/428.
  2. The "Volume out of range" exception is not really an exception, but rather a bad coding practice instead of properly handing a return and logging a message. :-/ Edit: I personally think it has to do with a variable inadvertently setting before the scene change is complete... But then the question is what triggers it to move...
  3. Any progress on a new version with a ladder and KerbalEVA fix? Also, did you remove the netcode from the GitHub repo?...
  4. For anyone that wants to join in the fun, I have zeroed out and opened my 24/7 Kessler Server. This server is dedicated and will have 100% uptime... (If it goes down, send me a PM) # Host and port the server is running on. host = mine-freak.com port = 8988
  5. I\'m having the same issue here on windows 7... I manually added those to the set, at which point it allowed the merge... (Very dirty solution) Also, a kerbal on EVA (I have one in his own orbit) is called the 'kerbalEVA' part, which is not a 'real' part... so it will never merge.
  6. Nothin like having enough time to read the debug log but not enough to avoid a unnecessary post on the forum... O_o Other than that, Im now almost half way done mapping the poles, hopefully one more day will cover the needed area. @Innsewerants: A quick look at the source told me that multiple bodies were supported. I wanted a way to create live maps on the fly and near real-time which conveniently I dont need *.IO for. I see the point behind KSP.IO, but its implementation is very dirty, also killing two namespaces wont stop someone from introducing malicious code. Plus the security mechanism in use has multiple known workarounds.
  7. Hurray! I love seeing data I have collected being used... Im covering the poles now... and lets just say, I\'m sick of seeing Minmus spinning slowly under my sat
  8. A day later than I wanted, but I now have a bird up to cover the Minmus poles... Data on my signature is now live.
  9. Im going to leave my 70 degree ship active for a few more hours, once I get home (~3-4 hours) I will launch a sat into 90 degree and get the 70+ data... The CSV link is constantly updating with new data. I will probably make a 'CSV Cleaner' and make a true coord/CSV, what is your preferred CSV layout?
  10. Mogadishu: Add my CSV into the mix as well http://ksp.mine-freak.com/isa_RAM_Kerbin_Data.csv
  11. The mod is not currently compatible with 0.15 (due to issues with the new update) and will be fixed in 0.15.1 For my images I coded in my own storage mechanism to produce my maps. I fixed my clipping error (again) and my max height is now set to 6000, I will be launching Minmus 3 tonight to cover the poles. Kerbin Keographic Society, here is my live Minmus CSV: http://ksp.mine-freak.com/api/Minmus.csv
  12. I noticed that too this morning, I didnt have time to adjust the max height and rebuild the jpeg before I went to work... I will fix when I get home. >_<
  13. I actually stripped out System.IO and opted for sending data in ~20kB chunks to my web-server, which in turn takes the new data and appends to a CSV and updates my dynamic JPEGs. I could be able to open this functionality to all users who want to add 'Live' maps, I would just need to add the new configuration file system... **I also have to adjust the JPEG max heights since my peaks on Minmus are over 5250 >_<
  14. Hurray! The MapSat1 is back online to continue to map the Minmus surface while I slumber (and while I work tomarrow), as always the live feed is in my signature, updated about every 30 seconds
  15. While waiting for 0.15.1 to fix the 'seek' function, I have created dynamic maps of my satellite... Updating every ~30 seconds.
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