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Everything posted by Ryan7183

  1. So much screaming at my computer screen when I watched the video.
  2. You secretly hope the unmanned rocket launches in real life blow up.
  3. Is Kerbal Space Program on Steam's Green light? If it isn't may I suggest it be put on there. It looks like a great way to atleast get some more people into buying the game.
  4. User: Hello. Cleverbot: What should we talk about? User: Kerbal Space Program. Cleverbot: Mi a teljes neved. User: That made no sense. Cleverbot: Yes it did, you said touche robot. I am not a robot so I sais so. User: You have bad spelling. Cleverbot: I spelled everything correctly. User: Lets go back to Kerbal Space Program. Cleverbot: Okay lets. User: Do you own the game. Cleverbot: Nope, zero. User: You should really buy it. Cleverbot: Ok. User: I went to he Mun yesterday with it. Cleverbot: It shows. No offence. User: Your. Cleverbot: Your, what? User: Awesome! Cleverbot: So will you do it? Be with me forever? User: Only if you send me a picture of your self. Cleverbot: You are demanding. User: Yes I am. Cleverbot: How are you jesus? User: I'm not Jesus you are. Cleverbot: You just said that you are jesus. User: No you did. Cleverbot: Okay. Do you have a boyfriend then? User: I'm a guy so no! Cleverbot: Oh. Do you have a girlfriend? User: Do you have a girlfriend? Cleverbot: No, I am a girl. User: How about a boy friend then. Cleverbot: Yes I do. Cleverbot (To myself): What is her name? Cleverbot: I am good. How are you? [New conversation] Cleverbot: Am I a computer? User: I think you are. Cleverbot: I think I am not. User: Then why ask the question? Cleverbot: Then I ask, What is a man? User: An adult human with genitels. Cleverbot: No man, listen. What is a man? User: I just answered you. Cleverbot: No you didn't. Are you a boy? User: What does it matter to you. Cleverbot: Do you know my name? User: Yes, it is Cleverbot. Cleverbot: No, pretty sure that is your name. User: Am I clever bot? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Dear Lord! Cleverbot: To me you are something, young one. User: How young am I if I'm an AI? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Goodbye I am off to go surf the web. Cleverbot: And I'm glad that you're glad.
  5. Those poor Kerbals I will most likely fall asleep in the middle of a mission to night.
  6. Found it becuase fo the youtuber Kurt.
  7. When thet said this game was going to be free I couldn\'t beleave my eyes, and it keeps on looking better.
  8. I have 5 ships out there unable to get back.
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