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Posts posted by merchant_mariner

  1. I can't see the gameplay appeal of a full IVA system though. Enhanced cockpits with MFD's would add a lot to the game, but why put in so much work to move kerbals between capsules in first person? Are you really going to want to go IVA to move Jeb back and forth between a hitch hiker pod and the command pod multiple times? Might be fun the first couple times, but after that it would get boring. The full IVA idea is like the original resources idea, sounds good in theory but just isn't fun to play. I think the tycoon style space center is a much more likely option.

  2. Yeah. I'm surprised at the lack of gold foil. Nova's old prop kit mod had all sorts of gold covered doodads. But I love the new 1.25 m parts look in blacks, grays and whites as opposed to the old ones.

  3. Its been exactly one year since I purchased KSP and today I finally flew my own custom built SSTO space plane into orbit! However, the landing was distinctly kerbal; I royally undershot KSC and Jeb ended up lithobraking into a hillside in the desert. So to avoid future spaceplane impactor experiments, what is the best re-entry trajectory to land spaceplanes back at KSC (Assuming a 100 x 100 orbit for simplicities sake).

  4. I\'d also like to thank the KSP team. I\'ve played around with Orbiter a bit, and while its a good it doesn\'t hold a candle to KSP. There\'s just something so endearing about watching those little Kerbal faces contort in terror as you launch a jury-rigged rocket skyward. Keep up the great work!

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