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  1. been little busy with holidays and getting info on the new 0.9 update and making changes ive tweaked the lander trying to make it as compatible and like stock as can (making the landing stage and return to use stock engines and explosive bolts for the escape stage (trying to work out issues with the shroud (originally animated opening but think ill be going with sections that separate) also reworked the shape of the main lander to have good point to attach science modules.
  2. yea issue is the force is perfect gives it that nice pop and jump up on release much like the actual lem but its separating everything attached to the lower part. maybe a way to separate only top node? o.O all i did was add the TX RL parameters to the cfg.
  3. HAHAHA yea that not gonna work entire stage just explodes legs and ladder everywhere.
  4. And some more testing fixed RCS for 4 way symmetry, few changed to make think ill make the decoupler built into the base to make the fit more natural
  5. Turns out my mistake was the collider not being set correctly. thanks guys got it all working perfect now that is a good vid tutorial for new modders dose not just show what to do explains how it functions and common problems can run into. Now to figure out how to set my center of mass to correct position and this thing is ready for inworld testing.
  6. thanks nli2work going threw it now got the hatch to let the kerbal out but not back in lol
  7. Big as can make it and still fit a 2 M maybe 2 versions make this a single kerbal pod and up to next part size for 2 thoughts? body size its fine its just those monsterous kerbal heads XD
  8. been following this tutorial http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Adding_Airlocks_and_Ladders_to_Parts Cant find the airlock tag or Part Triggers layer do i have to make them from scratch? tried doing so but cant find the (Tick the "Is Trigger" tickbox,) stuck at this point im sure its some simple little mistake but i cant spot it
  9. think this is the scale to use only a fraction smaller then the 3 kerbal pod and fits 2 also still fits inside of 2m parts.
  10. A little ingame testing not sure why scale is off need to go over notes again Fixed it
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