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Everything posted by jonnern

  1. I have a rover orbiting the mun with a landing stage above it. The landing stage has 4 radial mount engines which makes the firing animation when throttled and it stands that they make 120kN trust each, but the ship experiences no acceleration whatsoever. Anyone had this bug, and better yet fixed it? edit: The engines point down into the rover. In the real world, this would result in the expelled fuel bouncing back from the rover and actually giving a net trust the opposite way. Does the game detect that the engines hit the craft? edit 2: Jupp, that's it. Of course I find the issue right after posting this^^ Looking for thread delete option...
  2. Don't agree. I like this system, for samples and such that it is logical, and rewarding if you bring them back to kerbin. Eva reports and such should give 100% tough.
  3. I've completely given up on building my Laythe space station because of these fuel tanks falling off before I even get to orbit. They do experience quite a lot of torque, but the normal fuel tanks do just fine... shouldn't the RCS ones stick just as good as the normal ones do to the craft?
  4. But I like it with the sun in the background
  5. Thought I'll share a spaceplane of mine. Generic, but I rather like it. Controls easily, and is quite easy to get to orbit. http://i.imgur.com/BgLBXGi.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4NQ4fDp.jpg Craft file: http://www./?cx70gqxe6msn3db 1 activates the jet engines and shuts down the rocket engine 2 does the opposite of 1 3 activates all of them (not really needed)
  6. Thought I'll share a spaceplane of mine. Generic, but I rather like it. Controls easily, and is quite easy to get to orbit. http://i.imgur.com/BgLBXGi.jpg edit: oh well, seems as "justpaste.it" didn't work with the craft file. edit2: isn't it possible to delete my own posts?^^ See now that this isn't the tread to post this in.
  7. Is it possible to do rescue missions in the stock version? I was thinking about using a 3 crew capsule with only 2 in it to rescue a kerbal, but it doesn't seem to be possible to remove a crew
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