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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. So, I finished downloading and manually installing a ton of mods to try to get a Realism Overhaul Real Scale Solar System game going. However, these things come up when trying to load up the game. "Incompatible Mods Detected Some installed mods may be incompatible with this version of Kerbal Space Program. Features may be broken or disabled. Please check for updates to the listed mods. These mods are incompatible with KSP 1.8.1: FerramAerospaceResearch MechJeb2 RealChute RealFuels RealSolarSystem These mods are incompatible with Unity 2019.2.2f1: RealChute [ OK ]" "656 errors related to GameData/RP-0-master/Notes/Old Science Data/Results/ResultClearer.cfg ModuleManager: 42027 patches applied, found 656 errors" ...and it eventually gets stuck verifying the Making History DLC. I'm using a completely fresh install of KSP v1.8.1 as per my understanding of how to get this all working, and AFAIK, all mods are the most up-to-date version for RO RSS. So, how do I fix this? I've not messed with RO RSS in a long time b/c of the difficulty in getting to work properly. LexieAssassin
  2. So far I'm loving KSP: MHE, but the game is crashing a lot for no apparent reason, along with the usual Windows *BER-LONNNGGG!* sound, but also I've noticed that after having used the personal parachutes quite a few times, they seem to no longer be a thing. I run my career modes on a strict hardcore policy. No saves, no reverting flights, no respawning Kerbalnauts. So, for instance, when I just now completed a mission to rendezvous in Kerbin orbit, I thought I'd have some fun bring down the capsule, and have the pilot parachute down along side the capsule. (After all, the IRL capsule I used involved ejecting out and parachuting down.) Eeexxxccceeepppttt, he popped out and no parachute dialog box option, nor the brown parachute box thingy on his back either. Is this a bug? (I tried to do something similar to this the other day and the game crashed shortly thereafter, so IDK if the two are related.) Is there a mechanic here I'm not understanding? I remember seeing them on my Kerbals during my Mün mission before whilst they were on EVA gathering a surface sample and planting a flag and the like. Thanks, LexieAssassin
  3. So, I'm doing a career mode run of RP-0 RSS... I'm running simulations on my Luna-1 lander probe and something weird is happening. I've finally managed to get the C-2 launch vehicle more or less sorted out. (In my current naming scheme, C is for lunar missions. IE- A is sounding rockets/suborbital, B is LEO... C-1 was a lunar flyby mission.) Almost reached LEO in my current simulation, probably cheated out of LEO by successive AJ-10 engine failures. (Although I'd intended that to be my LEO transfer stage...) What's weird though, is after stage sep, the AJ-10 on the lander is not gimbaling and despite turning on the RCS, they do not appear to be firing, let alone actually doing anything. Which leaves me tumbling uncontrollably just shy of LEO and dumbfounded as to what is happening. I have signal connection, I have more than enough computing power onboard (If memory serves it's 7.321t/10t), and I have the Hydrazine to run the thrusters (and yes they are set to run off of Hydrazine as well), so what gives? The 8x 1kN thrusts are running off Hydrazine too and they run just fine, but they lack any sort of gimbaling. Now, I admit I have made a few changes since my last simulation with the lander, but in that simulation the RCS worked - albeit rather underpowered, which is why I switched from the quad thrusters to 3x linear thrusters at the end of each arm for each direction. It's been awhile since I've need to share a .craft file, so I've forgotten how that's done on the forums here... or save file if that's needed instead...? Thanks in advance, LexieAssassin PS- I also noticed that my toggle antennas action group appears to be nonfunctional as well, if that helps anyone else out.
  4. I'm trying to get a hyper-realistic RSS install going (ala Scott Manley's Kerbal Spaceships are Serious Business), and while it loads just fine (in fact it loads insanely fast given all the mods, like 1-2 mins tops), trying to load into the space center causes the game to vaporize after a few seconds of loading. There are error/crash reports showing up inside the KSP folder, but they're insanely long, so I'll only post those if necessary. While I can't say what all the tons of mods I DLed are, the contents of my GameData folder are as follows: ( [] are folders and {} are files ) [] ActiveTextureManagement-master [] AJE [] AsteriodDay [] AtomicAge v3.1 [] B9_Aerospace [] B9_AlternativeTextures (I think I need to remove this, yes? At best it's just taking up pointless disk space.) [] BobCatind [] CrossFeedEnabler [] DMagicOrbitalScience [] EngineGroupController [] FASA [] FerramAerospaceResearch [] JSI [] KAS [] KerbalJointReinforcement [] KerbalRenamer [] Kliper [] KW Rocketry v2.7 [] ModularFlightIntergrator [] ModuleManager-2.6.13 [] ModuleTankLock [] Near Future [] ProceduralFairings [] ProceduralParts [] RCSBuildAid [] RealChute [] RealFuels [] RealHeat [] RealismOverhaul [] RealPlume [] RealSolarSystem-master [] SATURN-APOLLO (v. 1.1.) [] SmokeScreen [] SolverEngines [] SovietPack [] Squad [] Switcher [] T&B Rocketry (This is my own personal folder, mainly for my tiny handful of custom flags.) [] ThunderAerospace [] VTProp {} ModuleMAnager.ConfigCache {} ModuleManager.ConfigSHA {} ModuleManager.Physics {} ModuleManager.TechTree Regardless, thanks ahead of time for any help you can provide. LexieAssassin
  5. The launcher just sits there saying that it is checking for updates, the patcher says something about bad data after logging in, and Google Chrome downloads it most of the way and then pops up saying it can be harmful to browsing and thus has been blocked. What to do...? LexieAssassin
  6. Hirmh... Interesting. I suppose you could always add an option at the crew building whatzit (omg I forgot the name of the building ) to put a dumb Kerbal into some sort of training or schooling to make them smarter over time at the cost of some funds. LexieAssassin PS- That's kind of my point... >_> >_>
  7. What about an approval rating percentage? Perhaps even a per agency breakdown showing how you're faring with each agency. This could allow changing reward amounts based on past performance with each agency and perhaps even losing some approval from rival agencies. (If anybody here has played Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction, you'll know what I mean here.) LexieAssassin
  8. Dumber Kerbals gain skills slower than smarter ones. Perhaps even a hidden genius flag that adds a bonus to skill gain. LexieAssassin
  9. M-78-70-B Coyote Fighter/Bomber (First Iteration) Here we see the original iteration of the FPIF-M-M-78-70-B F/B. This iteration was w/o procedural wings installed and was an attempt to design the aircraft as close to the intended aesthetic as possible. It is much larger than intended and had issues with extreme pitch instability at moderate AoAs. http://imgur.com/PFDPsr2 M-78-70-B Coyote Fighter/Bomber (Third Iteration) Here we see a more properly scaled iteration of the jet w/ procedural wings. It major problem is either left or right roll after the wheels leave the ground, which forces an eject despite full ailerons and RCS thrusters. The roll seems phantasmal and I've been unable to find a cause. http://imgur.com/iE797qE http://imgur.com/B3RDQL3 http://imgur.com/cvj8mHX http://imgur.com/XzmjLBY http://imgur.com/pewNBi1 http://imgur.com/HV1u4Ca CRAFT file: http://pastebin.com/t4BJJCxT Mods used: FAR, Firespitter, Procedural Wings Here's what I need help on: Solve inexplicable roll issue. Increase High-Alt/Space endurance so that a 100KM can be obtained and deorbit. (Space Carrier launch and retrieval.) Add VSTOL ability. (Very Short Takeoff and Landing - I'm thinking 1/4 space center runway or less.) Constraints: Must maintain general atheistic appearance. Must be maneuverable but also be able to punch it. (Go fast.) Must remain stable under keyboard controls. Bonus: Internal bomb bay. Bonus: Minimal armament is 1x 20x110mm Gatling cannon and 2x 12.7x105mm Gatling guns on the right and left of the cockkpit in the wings, respectivly. Find a way to simulate this, and I'd be incredibly grateful. Thanks ahead of time, LexieAssassin
  10. So, I was thinking that while I don't actually know how the game handles the R.A.P.I.E.R. engine, the way it shows up in the SPH/VAB suggests to me that it treats it sort of like two engines in one with some coding to handle switching the two. That gave me the idea, what if the 2nd stock jet engine could use that sort of system to give it an afterburner mode? Press an action group button or something and switch the afterburner on or off. I think that would not only be cool, but help to further differentiate the two stock jet engines. Anyways, just a thought, and who knows, you could use that further somehow. LexieAssassin
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