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Everything posted by rdrdrdrd

  1. A simple two staged lander designed for landing on bodies without atmospheres. I have taken it to the mun, minmus, and gilly. It has a large fuel reserve and was loosly inspired by the look of the LEM of the Apollo missions. Two action groups are set, 1 opens the panels and 2 deploys antenna and activates sensors. Perfect for that first mun landing or the Apollo recreation or roleplay. More Pictures Here: http://imgur.com/a/nTVvL http://pastebin.com/JWf3mcHr
  2. I just made a pretty massive fuel depot and orbited it, but the lag was horrendous. is there any way to cut down on the lag without using less parts?
  3. or just add an invisible airlock to all the crew able parts
  4. my first launch went off fine, it just exploded on landing, it was a capsule stuck on a SRB. my second launch swerved into the tower, but my third was pretty good, got out of atmosphere and underestimated the game (alot) so I aimed straight for mun ;P
  5. Docking is the one thing I am really waiting for so I can start over and roleplay a space program. The new modules look great, I can\'t wait to assemble them into an LEO station and later a fuel depot
  6. but what is it\'s unladen airspeed velocity? ;P
  7. This is awesome man, I just finished my challenge myself, but i kinda cheated, space planes are a PITA for me so i built a huge rocket with a giant delta wing and a cargo bay to hold the fuel pod(smaller for this one), and it lands by getting to ~100m/s over the ocean by the KSC and poping about 15 parachutes ??? http://imgur.com/a/Shf4c (this version did not have enough parachutes)
  8. thats awesome, Im still having problems with mine >
  9. Wow thats pretty cool, thanks guys
  10. did this a while ago, space station orbiting mun, several orbiting kerbin, and i have one orbiting kerbol, as well as some cheating mega stations just for kicks http://imgur.com/Ftonl,KCAs8,MRdeS,koVFp#0 this one orbits the mun and was put up with no cheating
  11. Yes the docking port is just from the ExPI pack, however having a blank 1m end is fully acceptable, weight is negligible. How did you get the plane to not spiral out of control with the weight on the bottom? thats the problem I\'ve had, good job though (crazy looking plane there lol), did you use fuel from the cargo tanks to power the plane?
  12. Once docking rolls around I will be creating fuel Depots and Shipyards (lots of nodes to dock to) orbiting Kerbin, for interplanetary missions abd such. One shipyard and one depot in LKO and one space colony in KSO, space planes will ferry fuel and modules to the depots and from there low powered ion or nuclear rockets will take fuel and modules to the space colony, and from there to a mun orbiting colony/yard. The challenge, create a fully reusable space plane that can ferry a load of 3 MKII hulls with end caps (II to I adapters plus a nose cone on one end and a docking port on the other) or a 2X4 extra planetary infrastructure module to a 200Km orbit.
  13. Nova Punch, Extra Planetary infrastructure, BACE
  14. Hey i love your pack and have put about 3 stations in orbit already, however as there is no docking they are single launch behemoths ala skylab. I don\'t have a problem with this except that the radiators and solar panels don\'t fit in the 3m shrouds form novapunch so I used the deployable \'gear\' solar panels that deploy in space, is there a way to make the large panels and radiators deploy straight out? Sorry if this has been asked before, I love the pack
  15. Put a big station in orbit earlier tonight; gosh i love this game. I am however on my crappy laptop that runs the game at lowest settings at a crawl and will set up my other modules when i transfer back over to my desktop 8) some pics for my first post: http://imgur.com/a/v1xPF in orbit the discarded main stage the shroud has 3 full RCS tanks, SAS, and a full service modual and engine for deorbit or reorbiting launching this took so much paitence as my display drivers crashed twice during the initial launch and the lag was so bad i only had to make minor adjustments
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