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Developer Articles
KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by Fox967
Ah, i remember when they added the Mun. I remember looking up and thinking.... 'Yes, that looks like a good place to crash!'
My guess would be that EVA'ing your Kerbals from now on won't automatically switch cameras - useful if you feel the need to get all your Kerbals out in a hurry. Of course, i could be wrong, but thats what it looks like to me. I'd say the Kerbals appearing on/under the ground isn't intended. :3
Im very grateful to Squad and KSP, not only have they produced a great game (only to get better!) but they have opened up many aspects of physics and orbital mechanics that i'd have never known otherwise. Now, im not saying 'Oberth effect', 'Gimbal', 'Delta V' and 'Aerobrake' etc etc, are words i use everyday, but at least i know them, can talk about them, and its something new i can be interested in. :3
7 Dollars so.... about 4 or 5 pounds. I'd happily spend 10 times that much on KSP, though.
Build big, build heavy, cost and safety be damned! The more mods i have and the bigger the engine, the better. Ironically, i've never lost a Kerbal. Theres been some close calls (a few days ago, Jeb was flying a rocket upwards and i got too keen with the gravity turn - the rocket ended up doing a 360 degrees rotation, at which point i fired the engines again and continued on, both Jeb and me laughing maniacally). I do wish that i could make wonderful contraptions like Scott Manley, or TheWhiteOwl, but when i try, they never work out.
I'm glad contracts are a near-future addition
Fox967 replied to CosmicScientist's topic in KSP1 Discussion
I'm the same in regards to contracts, can't wait! Gunna be fun to have goals to achieve. Im also looking forward to money / costs and having to balance it all out. :3 ( Strangely enough, im the opposite when it comes to Career mode, ever since it was made available, i havent even stepped into sandbox, even though i find it annoying when i find i have yet to unlock the part i really need. ) -
Do you ever hyperedit just because you are lazy?
Fox967 replied to michaelphoenix22's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
Never used it, even if it means i have to restart a mission from scratch - Not that im against using it, but i know that, if i used it once, i'd be tempted to use it more and more. I learnt im bad with things like that back when i used to play Morrowind a lot - i basically memorised a whole lot of console codes and would find myself using them at every opportunity. Sad, but true -
What was the version just before they added the Mun? Thats when i started. Ah, memories!
I would prefer it if Squad spent their time fleshing out what activities you can do on the various planets before creating new ones - as it stands, they would just be shiny new balls (ahem) in the sky to visit, and not much else. Im sure they have got a lot of ideas for various planets though! Also, i remember Squad saying they wouldn't add new planets in until they had completed a 'search/discover' type mechanism into the game - where players would have to use telescopes/probes/etc and such to find new planets/moons to visit before they would appear on the map. It would make sense to wait till this feature is implemented before adding new planets, as it means the player has more to explore - otherwise Squad would just be hiding planets we already know about.
Sorry, but you're totally wrong on this. In fact Nova was already modelling various mining equipment when it was shelved. They were even getting to the point of adding mineral maps on the planets/moons, ALA Kethane. (And no, i don't remember how to spoiler things) Whether mining is still planned is up to squad, but at one point they were determined to have it in game - i don't see why that would change.
Been playing for about an hour now - no problems. At all. I've launched 5 or 6 rockets, and the ASAS works beautifully for me - no spinning, no wobbling, holds a heading. RCS performs wonderfully as well. In fact, in the older versions i regularly put rockets into orbit at weird angles cos my rockets would spin and stuff - now im launching them on a 90 degree angle, everytime. Its weird how some people are having trouble - even the planes i launched work (and i am no pilot, let me tell you - i don't go anywhere near planes if i can help it). Strange
If i ever want to check if a website is down, or if its just me that im having trouble, i go to - http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/
Of course Mods should be allowed, and i see no reason why SQUAD will disallow them in career mode. They've said repeatedly that they're aiming to be mod friendly throughout the game's life. I play a game for entertainment. If a mod will provide me with more entertainment, fine, i'll use it. If someone feels they need achievements, or to gloat about something in a game.... well... i feel sorry for you, but... its a game. A single player game at that. Just because YOU want it all stock, just because YOU don't like mods, doesn't mean that the entertainment should be taken away from me just because you're taking a game too seriously. Sure, feel proud that you did something in a game that you were aiming to do, but remember its a game. A game to entertain people - not to give you bragging rights. Don't want to use mods so you can gloat about it? Fine. Just let me play how i want to play, k?
People use mods for all sorts of reasons - new parts, extra challenge, more fun. At the end of the day, its only cheating if you want it to be cheating (and just who ARE you cheating? Its a single player sandbox game, at the moment anyway.)
Your Definition of an Accomplished/Professional KSP Player.
Fox967 replied to Flixxbeatz's topic in KSP1 Discussion
I take 'professional' to mean someone who does stuff at a professional level (after all, we're talking about a space program, right?). So, someone like TheWinterOwl - even though he says he hasn't been to other planets, he comes up with some great, really efficient designs that i can only be envious of, AND brings his Kerbals home - that's professionalism, to me - someone who just straps a pod onto a rocket and shoots off to Duna, then leaves Kerbals all over the system - yeah, they may get the job done and such, but its hardly professional - its not being prepared. Someone who can get his Kerbals there AND back is more professional, at least to me. That being said, as long as you have fun with the game, and play it the way you want to, thats all that matters -
I don't have a fave pod as such, but i must admit that i prefer the smaller one-man pods, simply because they are easier (for me, at least) to get up into orbit. If i have to send a Kerbal somewhere, and i can get away with sending one in a one-man pod, thats what i like to do
I seem to remember Harvester saying they don't want to implement food and stuff like that because it will turn the game into a micromanagement sim etc. Making sure all your Kerbals have enough food / water for the 2 year voyage to another planet would be... 'fun', hehe. I think its much more likely to be that, later down the line, you will hire a Kerbal, pay for his training, and THAT is what will stop you wanting to leave Kerbals everywhere - you COULD pay $1000's training Jeb up, but its a waste of money just to leave him on Eve, right? Unless he is working on a mining rig or something. Maybe they will incorporate a boredom aspect or something - maybe a Kerbal that spends years & years away from home wont work as efficiently? I dunno, we shall have to wait and see. Im sure Squad has a few ideas
Hehe, i still remember when the Mun was added - i was so excited! Course, the landing was a failure (engines do NOT make good landing legs), but i'll never forget the feeling of touching down for the first time. Thanks Squad, for making it possible.
Im careful never to kill a Kerbal - every command pod has an emergency launch system, and i never put a Kerbal somewhere without being sure i can return them home I have put probes on every planet/moon, yet the only other planet my Kerbals have walked on is Duna, and that was touch and go at some points. But when i brought them back home, it felt so much better than if i had just clicked 'End Flight'. Of course, i don't mind how anyone plays the game, but its more enjoyable for me knowing i haven't (purposefully) killed anyone.
I always play with mods - simply for the extra parts. I found out, a long time ago, that my playstyle wasn't exactly compatible with stock parts - I like to think of my space program as somewhere between the Soviet Union's space program and an inept car mechanic firm. This means, if something fails to work first time, i need bigger engines and more fuel. We get there in the end!
You wanna play a bug-free KSP? Then wait till Squad releases version 1.00. Problem solved. When Squad finally says 'this is our finished product', then you can whine about any bugs, and hey, i'll even agree with you. Bugs shouldn't be in a finished product. But KSP isn't a finished product, is it? Its an alpha - you paid (a reduced amount) to play the alpha early. There are going to be bugs added with every release, and bugs squashed with every release. Why test over and over and over for weeks/months to fix 100% of bugs in 0.20 when 0.21 will add more bugs and may even reintroduce old ones? Its common sense to do all bug fixing in the final few versions, when everything has been added. KSP isn't finished. Its not even close. Get over it. If you can't handle bugs, stay away from alphas.
We are all Screwed:Its the End of the World
Fox967 replied to lobsterbark's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Get over yourselves - honestly. It seems people love reminding people that they were first. "I was here first, i have played KSP since version 0.whatever, so that means im better, and i JUST.CANT.STAND.NEW.PLAYERS.LOLOLOL." Please, get over yourselves, and stop stereotyping 'new players' as an evil, brain-dead entity that will bring about the fall of KSP. Oh, and i consider making this kind of thread a pretty 'noobish' thing to do, too. Just letting ya know that.