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Posts posted by colonel0sanders

  1. 21 minutes ago, Evanitis said:

    Sure - use the transfer window planner. Generally it's used to find the time where it takes the less dV to get where you want to, as waiting is easier than adding more fuel. But if that doesn't concern you, just enter your current orbit details, pick the target, and click the bluest part of the 'leftmost' side of the colorful graph. It will tell you what ejection angle you need, and how much dV to burn if you want to go -right now-.

    There's actually a possible transfer window to Duna, which doesn't take any more dv than the optimal one, which you can launch immediately (year 1, day 1) - but it takes about 2.5 years to get there.  It actually takes less time to wait until the regular window opens up around year 1 day 236.  To see the year 1 day 1 launch option, open the transfer window planner, hit the 'Advanced Settings' option, and enter 1500 days as the max 'time of flight'

  2. Last time this happened to me, Jeb had landed on Duna.  I was playing with no quickloads/no reverting/no crew respawns, and had just about unlocked the entire science tree (everything else was on normal difficulty) without losing a single crew member throughout the play-through.  Since I wasn't about to take any risks, Jeb got out and went a few hundred meters away to wait for rescue.  Luckily, the lander had a probe core on it, so I attempted to try to light the engine and pitch up.


    Surprisingly, it worked!  I landed the ship, Jeb got back in, and they took off for home.  It seemed to be just that kind of mission, though, as my extra takeoff and landing burnt up too much fuel, and Jeb had to bail out part-way up from the Duna surface.  He managed to barely get into orbit with the EVA jetpack, and was successfully rescued, but all of the science and the surface sample was lost.

  3. Slight correction: They only need to plant a flag on Minmus; on the Mun, it's enough to land their vessel (no EVA or flags required).

    Also pay attention to actually do suborbital on Kerbin. With the new atmo, it's easy to go from flying to orbit and back without ever going suborbital at any time in between.

    Actually, I think it only counts the best thing you do in each SOI, so as long as you make orbit, you get the 2 points. You could, for example, land on the Mun and return without ever actually being in orbit around the Mun.

  4. Kerbal is a game with a lot of parts that everyone uses much more than they do other. What is your least used part?

    Personally I never use the Probodobodyne QBE and the NCS Adapter.


    My pet hate part is the FL-A10 Adapter and I don't know why. I just hate that part. I prefer to stack my 0.625m probe on top of 1.25m rockets than add that thing to my part count!

    I use the QBE a bunch in career, it's nice because it is light and low tech enough to get early. It makes for a great low-cost sat core: this one costs under 4000 and has a dv of nearly 6500 m/s.


  5. So in 0.90, you get rescue missions before you can set the poor kerbal as a target. I think i need to upgrade mission control to get patched conics, but i dont see anywhere what i need to be able to set a target (unless that's patched conics as well).

    I was wondering if anyone tried rescuing someone without patched conics... i tried but kept on overcorrecting until i was nearly out of fuel :(...

    You can set the guy as target, but you can't do it from the map or tracking station. If you can get close enough to see him in the distance (50km? maybe 25km) then you can doubleclick to set as target. I managed to rescue one person like this.

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