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Everything posted by yas_157

  1. KSP Version: 1.0.2 Windows 64-bit Build ID: build id = 00842 2015.05.01 at 21:02:12 CEST Branch: master **Forgive me if this is a repost, but I could not find anything relevant to search terms "cycle", "night", "day", "time", "VAB"** What happens: Day/night cycle is not accurately portrayed in the SPH/VAB. I am familiar with the idea that time does not pass in the VAB or SPH, this is a visual bug with reference to the portrayal of time in the VAP/SPH. Steps to replicate the bug: 1) Accelerate time to point at which it is visibly night time at the Kerbal Space Center. 2) Enter the VAB, notice how the outside is daytime Result: The sky is not portrayed accurately in the day/night cycle Fixes/Workarounds for the bug: None, apart from just plain ignoring it. It's not really that big of an issue anyway. Unless you think the sky is big. Pictures: *The iconic VAB daytime*: http://imgur.com/sswat4S
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