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Everything posted by jerem

  1. Hi ^^ so yes, I meant engines, sorry ;D and it is only the engines that are falling, not the tanks And I also have experienced engines dropping of when turning too fast (usually I\'m in the way of crashing but still =P succeeded to not crash once, but flying with only one engine is really hard ??? ) for pics of my plane, here you are:
  2. I searched but didn\'t found one topic about that problem already. I explain myself, sometimes when landing my plane a little too fast (flying with a keyboard =P ), my gears keep it up but not my reactor. They just fall when i touch the ground and explode behind me. So I can\'t take off again ^^\' If the shock is too big, it should be the gear that have to fail first, am I right? Ps: sorry for my english mistakes ^^\'
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