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  1. AMD Phenom II X4 955 Deneb 45nm Technology CPU 6.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 669MHz (9-9-9-24) RAM ATI Radeon HD 5670 (ATI AIB) GPU 931GB SAMSUNG HD103SJ SCSI Disk Device (SATA) HARD DRIVE Win 7 64-bit It's pretty low-end for today's standarts but it was a really cheap package, a lot of bang for the buck back in 2012 I can run 300-500 parts without trouble but the crappy gpu really doesn't like the horizon unless I manually set the ocean's max subdivision to 1 which makes landings i the ocean really ugly.
  2. "This engine is doing really well as a heatshield. Let's push the limits!" "This altitude should be safe to aerobrake at." My experiences with Deadly Reentry and aerobraking in the Joolian system.
  3. Finally got to jool. Tried it only 2 times before so i thought i'd give it a shot again. After aerobraking in jool i forgot the solars on the first probe and it ran out of power... Before i quicksaved without noticing it. The second one didn't have that design flaw. Ferram Aerospace Research and Deadly Reentry installed! Gravity assist from Vall Aerobraking in Jool's atmosphere Final orbit around Laythe, I had to pull an aerobrake into orbit going at 6000+ m/s. Deadly Reentry did not make it easy! I lost my orbital stage which can be seen on the other pictures. That heatshield i put in between it and the probe just in case paid off. *SNAP, FORGOT TO ATTACH THE IMAGE*
  4. If you still want to get it up there you could just drain the tanks of fuel and refuel later in orbit. It would cause way more unneeded work tahn re-designing your ship though. Less=More
  5. I've always wondered if my Graphics card is my system's weakest part. CPU and RAM usage never get near the maximum when when multitasking but I think that my GPU just doesn't cut it. ------------ CPU AMD Phenom II X4 955 Deneb 45nm Technology RAM 6,00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 669MHz (9-9-9-24) Motherboard Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. M68MT-S2P (Socket M2) Graphics ASUS PG221 (1680x1050@60Hz) ATI Radeon HD 5670 (ATI AIB) ------------- Fps killlers: particles and shadows. Should I save up for a new GPU?
  6. Simple solution to please everyone: either an action group to lock suspension or a slider for adjusting the hardness of it. Just a simple action group controlled function to toggle between suspension and stiff shouldn't be too hard to implement. If we want to get more in-depth however - how about suspension that automatically adjusts to the mass of your craft and the gravity of the body in which's SoI you are?
  7. I like the "action-movie trailer" concept of it but the intro felt like it was cut off, it had no propper ending. Looking forward to the first episode.
  8. Took my LKO Station, detached some bits, attched some engines and landed it on the mun. It looks tilted because it's panned with MMB but I've managed to find one poly on the mun which was perfectly alligned to space and land on it with 10 units of liquidfuel remaining.
  9. Looks like a commercial for JAXA thrown together in a week. If you're looking for an actual story then this isn't what you're looking for. I mean seriously, what does getting drunk and being late to a friend's wedding have to do with space exploration?
  10. This should be moved to addon support. Can you take a screenshot and upload it to imgur.com, then post the bb-code here? It would help a lot. There are two things I could think of: Either you're using the Sabre intake, which cause asymmetrical drag or your wingtips are improperly placed.
  11. Taprasme kad Å¡audytų? Su roveriais nedaug as patyrÄ™s bet ÄÂia turi kažko panaÅ¡aus: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24534-Zokesia-Skunkworks!/page2?p=315964&viewfull=1#post315964
  12. Won't work because of timewarp and the way ships are handled when not loaded. Even without that the legs clipping with parts will probably cause phantom forces.
  13. My third attempt at an SSTO, a huge success! I've ran two unmanned test flights. One atmospheric with landing on the runway, and another orbital one. The second one was a partial success, because I've got it into a stable LKO, but it was a partial failure too, because it has ran out of power so I couldn't test how it performs when de-orbitng and landing when dry. The third test flight was manned, and the plane performed like a charm so far, I yet have to test it's de-orbiting characteristics. I feel quite accomplished because this is the first really reliable SSTO I've made so far, And I'm playing the game since .15 (the spaceplane update) 44.5 Tons on the runway The design is inspired by the Lockheed SR-71A "Blackbird"
  14. In .18, after getting bored of Kerbin's SoI, I've set a goal to myself: visit Duna. On the injection burn however, I've got an Eve encounter and I was like "Why not?" and just went there because I knew that I would screw up the Duna encounter. Eve's atmosphere was a lot rougher than I've thought though. *chute expands* WHOOPS! The lander got torn into two pieces even though i've had it strutted. I still had the probe core so I could do some science experiments until juice ran out (My power supply was in the destroyed part)
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