These articles are all over the intertubes today. About a kid in germany who 'worked out how to calculate exactly the path of a projectile under gravity and subject to air resistance,' using an analytical solution Thought this might be relevant to ksp because in the discussions about gravity and the modeling approach the devs seemed to mention the high priority of using an analytical solution. with features, obviously, planned for modeling particles falling through an atmosphere under the influence of gravity, a heretofore unknown analytical solution now presents itself with many press releases. perhaps it will be useful? His paper, in english is titled, 'Analytical solution of two fundamental unsolved problems of particle dynamics', (or in the original german, 'Analytische Lösung von zwei ungelösten fundamentalen Partikeldynamikproblemen') The best references to it i could find are at this forum: most official looking place as potential source of the paper: maybe his discovery could make kerbin a better place? if we can find the actual paper, that is. and the devs find it useful and appropriate.