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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Light Glider craft files Clu Painted Light Glider Flynn Painted Light Glider Stock Light Glider
  2. My Tron Legacy inspired Light glider. If only there was a way to make them glow in the dark...
  3. ^^ This Would really like to see fairings that aren't just nose cones. Especially if I could cover all the ginormous tanks that make up a stage sometimes.
  4. See above for some great suggestions. Starting small and working up is a really big help with SSTO. The most likely problem with flipping for you is that your center of thrust is not inline with your center of mass. This is very important, as the thinner the atmosphere gets, the less your control surfaces will be able to counteract any misalignment. Also be sure that your center of mass isn't changing too much throughout the flight. As it can more forward or backward of your center of lift, things can get a little chaotic. You want the center of mass to stay on or in front of your center of lift, and not deviate much from either position. Listen to RoboRay about the action groups - that is key. You should also be able to throttle down with the jets and rockets both enabled to get more use of the jets, while still getting a positive velocity change. When you drop below about 50% throttle, then shut down the jets and power up those rockets! If you need some examples of successful SSTO craft, I can post a few. Good luck.
  5. Hi Everyone, My Friend recommended this to me the other day and I finally got around to downloading and trying it out. I love it! I have only tried vanilla so far, but I played for about 4 hours total. I had so many launch failures and so many successes. I got to stable orbit, left for the mun, stable orbit there, and returned after about 20 successful orbital launches. I never imagined I would have so much fun in a space program. Next stop - full version and mun landing! So now I\'m here to stay, probably going to play very often, optimizing all the time! Kroden
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