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Everything posted by ryand111

  1. yeah im all out of fuel now it was fun while it lasted i guess
  2. 11,00 M/s i seem to have it kinda under control now im in my final stage I now have a predicted sun escape in 68 years 35 days
  3. Hey guys im currently orbiting the sun as we speak but i seem to have a problem with moving my craft like some sort of gravity is pulling it away from where i want to go it is still quite a long craft im still in my 2nd to last stage with lots of fuel to burn and can be quite hard to change direction at the best of times im trying to go as far as i possibly can with this craft and so far im up to 28,047,017,249m with help from mova craft so can anybody help? EDIT: I think my ASAS was just playing up i have now gone so far i no longer has a predicted orbit does this mean ive broken the suns pull?
  4. Omg1 is the screen shot Omg2 is the current build if you want a tinker
  5. Right Il take that onboard il be doing a fair amount of changes and thanks for the tips il post back later with what ive come up with
  6. So yeah this is it I came up with a few things i may do to make it work so you never know watch this space
  7. So with the new space plane parts im trying to make a reuseable craft to send into space and land again. So my first problem was getting the thing to ballance this beast was made with Mk3 hull\'s but i finally managed to get it to stay up on the launch pad, then my next problem (still is sometimes) the weight of it would break the engines on the launch pad. Now the main problem is getting it to fly straight i have try many things from more SAS Mod\'s to more wings to placing thrusters in more outward places and i can get it quite high with being carefull on the thrusters if i use toomuch power i lose control, also with 11 fuel tanks it still isnt enough to get anywhere near high enough =/ any help or tips would be great im fairly new to the game Thanks P.S If you need pics or the ship file il have to do it after 5Pm uk time im in work
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