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Everything posted by arthour05

  1. Unless the MechJeb has been integrated into the SAS module or some other component, it physically dose not exist in my game, which is strange. I've installed the files from this site, placed it directly into the KSP folder without removing any files from it or editing it in any way. I am playing it through steam, so I don't know if that could be affecting it in any way? Sucks cos before I had it on steam, it did work, but that was an older version of KSP :/
  2. Hi! I'm having some issues with MechJeb and I was hoping you guys could help me! I have the latest version of KSP, but when I download MechJeb, I can't find the component to attach to the spacecraft, not sure if there's some kind of comparability issue or not. I'm using Windows 8 by the way
  3. hi, thought id introduce myself, for starter my real name is Michael, but that was already taken bought the game the other day, last week i think, and loving it so far, finally managed to build a ship to get into space!! I so happy a couple of my friends also got it and now we\'re having a race to the moon . There is one thing i\'d like to know, is there an actual mission that i have to complete or do i just set my own personal goal (like building a craft that works:) )?
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