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Everything posted by DeathFromBelow

  1. Assuming they can see and hear, I'd send them all the Beatles albums and the original Star Wars trilogy.
  2. From what I've seen the opposite is true, AMD seems to have done a very good job with multi-gpu scaling on the R9 cards (other than quad crossfire). The R9's also handle high resolutions like triple-1080p eyefinity or 4k better than Nvidia's current top-end offerings. Nvidia offers better efficiency/overclocking headroom. I'm currently playing on a 50" Seiki 4k TV, though I run at 120hz 1080p most of the time rather than 4k. I need to find a couple spare screens and try eyefinity... I'm not sure if it's really worth it compared to one big 4k screen.
  3. Personally I don't care if it's 'historical' or not, as long as the progression is fun and makes sense. I don't really enjoy any of the career features in their present state. What I want is more stuff to do, not more points to grind. More parts, more detailed planets. I'd rather see KSP focus on being a great open-ended sandbox than trying to make a tycoon game and relying on the mod community for parts. It brings back bad memories of the Minecraft beta update that introduced biomes. They ruined the strange, random terrain, forests, and shorelines that gave the game it's charm to introduce an incomplete new gameplay element.
  4. Or do what I did. Stick a probe in high Kerbin orbit, play with the nodes/time warp until you get an intercept. Getting to Duna is a cakewalk since there's really no inclination change, you just have to know when it's in the right position.
  5. The mod includes flat versions as well. You're limited to the default ratio but it does give you a variety of sizes to use. It displays whatever flag you launch with. Not perfect but its better than nothing, its nice to have some options for decorating.
  6. StarVision's flag decals and flagpole mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46856-0-21-1-Flag-Decals-and-Flagpole-New-File-Structure/
  7. Real men use SRBs to dock, none of this gentle puff-puff RCS baloney. You need to slam those docking ports together hard to make a good seal.
  8. I felt pretty not-noob after my first expedition to Laythe and back. No quickloads/simulation runs needed.
  9. It's been a while since I finished but I thought it was $9 a year when you register or something like that, and a few bucks more for the magazine. The real cost is the uniforms, though troops are good about providing them for folks who can't afford it. Good to see KSP was mentioned. Boys Life readers are exactly the sort of young people who would love KSP.
  10. I'm loving the x64 version so far. Almost all of my mods from 23.5 seem to be working fine as-is or have been updated. KAS seems to be all that's left. I've noticed the decoupler bug and sometimes I have to right click a few extra times, but nothing game breaking. I've been playing all weekend and I haven't had a CTD yet. Menu loading times seem to have improved dramatically, though I don't know if that's only in the x64 version or a general improvement with .24.
  11. I deflected and captured a B-class in a polar orbit around Kerbin. I haven't really messed with them since.
  12. I'll believe it when I see it. Russia can't even manage a successful trans-Mars burn with a probe and last I checked they haven't gotten the new Angara off the ground. Who knows what an SLS failure would do. I suspect that the US wants a larger rocket for big DoD payloads and they'll get something one way or another.
  13. You'd want a few thousand colonists for good genetic variation. Unless Kerbals really are all asexual clones of Jeb, in which case... just send Jeb.
  14. Assuming SLS is ready to go in 2017 couldn't we send up a massive Skylab-style module to replace whatever functionality the Russians take with them in 2020? The SLS needs a solid mission objective between the test flight and the planned asteroid missions. An ISS module followed by a 'Skylab 2' out at Earth-Moon L2 would be cool.
  15. I stranded my first Duna crew for a few years.
  16. Seems like a waste to fly all the way out there just to visit an oversized pollen grain. I'd go to Vall.
  17. I believe you've always had to manually move the kerbals. I don't think they can be assembled in the workshop. Everything seems to be working now. Thanks again! I'm really looking forward to terrain leveling.
  18. Does the mod still allow building without using resources? I've been playing around with a non-Kethane save. With progressive builds and use resources set to false it still requires parts to build things and you need to provide fuel/oxidizer. Kinda annoying. It was handy for quickly testing designs out on other planets and warping stuff up to my bases when I didn't feel like flying a resupply mission.
  19. Don't sweat it. Thanks for keeping this great mod going.
  20. The aircraft fuel tanks say danger: kerosene on the side.
  21. You're right. I just tested this with a clean KSP 0.23.5 install. Turn off progressive builds (TimedBuilds = False in persistent.txt) and it won't release newly built ships, and regardless of whether it's on or off you can't go back to KSC/revert flight after building something. Your quicksave/force-quit workaround works, but this is obviously something that needs to be fixed to make the mod usable.
  22. VASIMR can operate at low thrust with high efficiency or high thrust with low efficiency. For unmanned resupply missions you'd want to go with the slow, efficient route to keep it cheap. Going fast takes a lot more power.
  23. Couldn't you have already opened them manually with a Kerbal on EVA?
  24. Don't the small aircraft fuselage tanks say kerosene on them? I've always assumed the rockets use the same thing since the fuel is interchangeable.
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