I\'m sorry I don\'t mean to argue but I\'m not sure I communicated correctly what I was suggesting. By 'on rails' I mean the orbits of Kerbin, Mimas and the Mun are hard coded ahead of time, simply circular paths offset by the position of their parent body. This means that they are not reactive bodies in the simulation, and as such they cannot be shifted off their predetermined path. At a given time, they are always in the same place. So there wouldn\'t be 5 interacting bodies, in fact no two bodies would interact because only the player\'s ship would be effected at all by gravity. My understanding of the n-body problem is that a 2 body problem is body A affects B and B affects A, and a three body problem is body A affects body B and C while body B is also affecting A and C and C is affecting A and B. In my suggestion body A\'s position is a function on the time, i.e. at a given time, position is the same, and body B is affected by the gravity from body A. In this way body A, B, C and D are all defined by a fixed function, not dependent of any other body, and body E (your ship) is affected by A, B, C and D. hence 4 one body problems, not one 5 body problem. This is obviously a naive solution but this game is about flying your ship, not simulating the movement of the planets, so this would maybe be enough.