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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Not in my experience. Maybe I\'m aiming for bad craters.
  2. It\'s been a while since I did anything in KSP for a serious purpose. It\'s usually for testing how absurd a craft can reach stable orbit. I stopped practicing for the full game a while ago, Reasoning that I\'m ready for it. I am, However, Prepared to be gravely mistaken. I\'m sure many a brave kerbal shall die under the might of my mental shortcomings.
  3. Can anyone recommend a good landing space on the mun, By either coords or a description of the view from orbit? I\'ve landed dozens of ships on minmus, I\'ve actually RCS\'d two ships within docking distance on the ice lakes, But I\'ve never even managed a simple landing on the mun.
  4. Winrar keeps saying various files are corrupted.... Stupid winrar. Any chance of a dropbox link? They seem to work better than mediafire for some reason. Looks epic though dude, Can\'t wait \'til I find a way to make it work.
  5. Am I the first to do this? The franchise has gone inter-planetary! (Sort of)
  6. The more I play this game, The more I feel like I should take a day or 2 and learn about real world orbital mechanics and advanced physics. Thanks anyways, Guys.
  7. Title says it. I\'m trying to dock to another ship, just as practice for deep space recovery, But the velocity at a 200km orbit seems to be pretty much locked at 2100m/s. Is there a way, Even with a plugin or something, For me to speed up or slow down the velocity on an orbit without drastically changing altitude (Under 100m altitude difference would be stellar.) Any tips, My fellow kerbals?
  8. Aimed for munar injection, Got sun orbit . Burnt all my fuel trying to correct it. Current calculations show it will take over 12 million kerbal years for the ship to come into contact with kerbin. Hopefully whenever they add new planets, One of them will be easier to crash into with nothing but half a tank of RCS.
  9. Is this a common, Easy thing to do? It\'s the first time I\'ve done it. Maybe I\'m just excessively proud because of my constant failure, Even with MechJeb running...
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