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  1. Nobody download the first link for sure and be very careful to check for viruses. The first link came positive but the second was fine. Just be very careful!
  2. Holy... it's 12:22am, must've been a good challenge. Very good. Glad that you liked the challenge! Just updated you into the awards now. Nice ship design by the way.
  3. Album link will be added shortly. This challenge would be a lot easier if they let kerbonauts grab onto things like other kerbonauts! I claim head ARC Rocket Scientist. As long as it doesn't come with administrative duties. PS: +1 rep for this amusing challenge http://imgur.com/a/Fn7BH#0 I am very impressed that you managed to finish it so fast. It was a fantastic idea to have the whole rocket covered with ladders. Also, as for being the new Head ARC Rocket Scientist, you don't have any duties except to brag about how much cooler you are than everyone else . Ps: I had no idea reps existed until now. + 1 rep for completing the mission
  4. ARC asks if you could please take a few moments to commemorate the death of Neil Armstrong Hello, and welcome to the third mission of the new ARC company! If you wish to play the first mission, click the company logo in my signature! Info: ARC (Aerospace and Rocket Corporation) is a company aimed at research and development for Kerbal kind. Backround: We've went through hundreds of resumes to pick the best pilot to test fly our rockets. Perhaps the worst mistake we've ever made was hiring Jebediah Kerman. During a flight, Jeb got a little bored and thought it was a good idea to see if he could deorbit his spacecraft by pushing it! To our surprise, after about 1 hour, he successfully put the spacecraft in a sub-orbital trajectory. However, when the final stretch came, his jetpack was stuck in the forward position. This built Jeb's (Not the spacecraft which is headed for Kerbin) orbit back up again into a 100km orbit until it finally ran out of fuel. Now, poor Jeb is stuck in the cold, depths of space and is in need of a rescue! Find a way to build a ship to retrieve the stranded Kerbalnaut and return him back to Kerbin safely. This mission can only be played with stock parts! * = Post Image Instructions: WARNING: Backup your original persistence file before you install the new one! Setup:] Download and unpack the persistence file to your saves folder 1:] Develop a stock only rocket that can retrieve a helpless Kerbalnaut 3*:] Launch the rocket and intercept Jeb 4*:] Retrieve Jeb by any means 5*:] Return both the rescue crew and Jeb safely to Kerbin Awards are below Awards: (In order of first to last) Head ARC Rocket Scientist = Bluejayek [be the first person to retrieve Jeb and his rescue crew safely to Kerbin] Master ARC Rocket Scientist = erkle64 [be the second person to retrieve Jeb and his rescue crew safely to Kerbin] Biggest Failure Award = Not Claimed[Have the most convincing failure of them all (Always Subject To Change)]
  5. Well, I can't place you in the stock awards as they have already been taken. I can, however, put you under the most convincing failure award for forgetting to put on a parachute! Keep in mind though that the most convincing failure award is always subject to change...
  6. Congratulations for earning the Master ARC Rocket Scientist Sorry, I trust you did do it, but I can't award you without the required pictures
  7. Hello and welcome to the second mission of the brand new ARC company! If you wish to play the first mission, click the company logo in my signature! Info: ARC (Aerospace and Rocket Corporation) is a company aimed at research and development for Kerbal kind. Backround: Alright, since a few employees where able to complete the previous mission, it's time we move onto our next objective. Rovers. Minmus has been an a planet most people have previously landed on. Sure it's fun to show off to the world that we can land on Minmus, but we need more data than just the dust that's beneath your lander! What better way to do this than to build a rover to explore the surface! This mission can be played with or without the allowed mods. * = Post Image Stock Instructions: 1:] Develop a stock only rover that can land on the surface of Minmus. 2:] Develop a rocket to land the rover on Minmus vertically (Or horizontally if your rover works that way) 3*:] Launch the rocket and intercept with Minmus 4*:] Land on Minmus and deploy the Rover 5*:] Explore the lands of Minmus and record data Bonus*: Launch another rocket to retrieve the command module or launch the rover and return it to safety Awards are below WARNING: Backup the persistent file before installing any mods! Mods Allowed: Mech Jeb Any rover orientated mods Mods Required NONE Mod Instructions: 1:] Develop a stock only rover that can land on the surface of Minmus. 2:] Develop a rocket to land the rover on Minmus vertically (Or horizontally if your rover works that way) 3*:] Launch the rocket and intercept with Minmus 4*:] Land on Minmus and deploy the Rover 5*:] Explore the lands of Minmus and record data Bonus*: Launch another rocket to retrieve the command module or launch the rover and return it to safety Awards are below Awards: (In order of first to last) Head ARC Rocket Scientist = Minit [be the first person to land a rover on Minmus using stock parts only AND return the crew back to Kerbin] Master ARC Rocket Scientist = Fisherdog3 [be the first person to land a rover on Minmus using stock parts only] Average ARC Rocket Scientist = Not Claimed [be the first person to land a rover on Minmus using mods AND return the crew back to Kerbin] Apprentice ARC Rocket Scientist = Not Claimed [be the first person to land a rover and Minmus using mods] Biggest Failure Award = martscht [Have the most convincing failure of them all (Always Subject To Change)]
  8. Haha Very good. Welcome to ARC ! When I tried it, I was going for about 4 polar orbits and 4 normal orbits. Your plan seems much easier. Um, I'm going to have to say no. I'll let you go without it. I just thought it would seem easier. Good luck... Haha.
  9. Ahh yes, I already knew about the edit button. However, I was trying to replay with quote at them but I kept clicking reply instead. I have no idea how to multi-quote or whatever. As for the question, yes. You are allowed to send an unlimited amount of satellites not in keosynchronous orbit. It's time consuming and difficult as is so I decided not to limit the amount of satellites someone can use.
  10. From the looks of things, no one is worthy enough to work for ARC...Shame...
  11. It is possible though I think. If you are able to find the direction of a target, then you can rotate the top of the satellite using the smooth look at script in the default assets section. Though, I never made a plugin before so I have no idea if it works.
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