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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Bro, go you Jool with this ****. win the science victory that we've been wasting our lives on. make sure to have lots of fuel tanks so it doesn't take 30000000000 turns.
  2. the space station requires all the minimum parts for survival from the Deep Space Mission pack and has to be able to hold a few ships (the more kerbals carried on the KSS, the more points). It can be huge or it can be small. as long as it meets those requirements, its fine. Its all about the weight-strength ratio, nova punch has the thrust to get into orbit. but will the space station collapse on the pad
  3. I cant really take this because of no indication of your orbit hight and no way to store other kerbals. I asked for a space station not a satellite.
  4. Most if not all the mods i listed about will help out and for the centrifuges you need the Deep Space Mission pack. Novapunch will give you big tanks and some nice nuclear rockets that work great in the upper atmosphere and in orbit. Mech Jeb will do all the launch work for you. Crew tank will hold your kerbals unless you want them on ladders.
  5. i was able to reduce lag by going into my settings and turning off the space center crew
  6. I feel like a russian experiment gone wrong trying to fly. so using several of Tosh's mods i am making a voyage ON LAND over to KSC2 im using the truck along with several mk. 1 jet fuel tanks and the .5m push prop from damned aerospace and some tail fins to create an amphibious vehicle to get there. about 2 hours real time and 1 hour so far waiting for sun to rise again. ill get pics up when i get them after i hit KSC2. only part way across Africa (What i call the continent that KSC is on) just got over the mountain range just West of KSC Autosaving every once and a while. All so i dont have to fly a plane for 30 minutes. To pass time im watching Lost on my second monitor. See ya soon.
  7. Thanks for the tips on it. updated to allow for KW and change the kerbal points system
  8. I give you all a challenge. Building a Kerbal Space Station that is able to hold the ships at bay as well as crew compartments. You are allowed to use Novapunch, Deep Space Mission Pack, KW Rocketry, MechJeb, Aviation Lights, Damned Aerospace and Damned Robotics, and any mod that allows for extra crew storage such as the Crewtank mod. You are not allowed to use Novapunch's space dock. It must be orbiting at least 500km. Post Pics and/or a link to a video of you launching and circularizing your orbit. Top 5 Scores will be posted here 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ The scoring is pretty simple 500 pts. for getting ship into proper orbit 100 pts. for every secondary ship able to dock 250 pts. for complete set of deep space compartments (Storage, centrifuge, service modules, etc.) 500 pts. for getting ship into 1000km orbit 25 pts. per kerbal on board not counting the pilots Bonus Points Design: I want to see ideas that are out of the way. Such as using a claw and cylinder from Damned robotics to extend, grab, and retract to pull the ship in. Good luck to all of you who accept my challenge. FYI: this is my first challenge and my first post to the forums so forgive me if something is messed up. Edit: You can also assemble the station in space such as sending crew storage later.
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