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Everything posted by Wolfius

  1. Um. That was kinda actually my first 0.17 mission. The successor, Space Quest II, is currently in Jool orbit; not sure if it'll get home or not without a refueling mission yet. Unless you mean manned landing and return. I've made do with expendible unmanned probes so far. Pretty sure it's been done stock, tho I've been trying to avoid spoilers for the most part.
  2. Gentlemen, behold! The Lupa-01 Munar Lander. Launches with 3, seats 7, can rescue either 4, or 2 and leave 2 one-kerbal munar shelters on the surface. And here we have a slightly improved Lupa-01 rescuing 4 stranded kerbals... ...1 from the first landing that stayed behind in a deployed shelter, plus 3 from the first ship than came to pick them up. (1 having already boarded)
  3. Love the mod. Two of the things I\'ve done with it so far. :3
  4. Ok, just noticed folks seem to still be interested in my old mod - or atleast one of the parts in it - so I\'ve thrown together a new zip with all the old parts, added symmetry, and the MultiStrutMount, which is the upside-down version of the MultiChuteMount I made but never uploaded. I don\'t have the paid version yet, but someone on another board confirmed that the old parts still work. I know the canister fairing is probably a bad joke compared to what people\'ve put out sense, but I\'ve kept it in there for the sake of completeness; as far as I know it was the first fairing mod. Download here(OP has also been updated): http://www.gamefront.com/files/21490812/WuffMod02.rar
  5. Readily possible. What you see and what the game uses for collision detection are two different meshes in the same file. The trick is figuring out a sufficently neat way to pull it off. If I wanted to be cheap about it, it'd be crazy-simple. I've got a few ideas, tho. Without cheating. Anyway, just finished testing the reversed multi-chute adaptor.
  6. Probably just take a minute, and most of that swapping connection point values in notepad. Mesh work is crazy-simple compared to messing around with config settings and testing the results - here it'll mostly just be drag-select, combine, throw a minus into the Y value for the two meshes, and export. I'll add it when I next work on this stuff. Thanks! It's feedback that provides alot of the incentive to continue with stuff like this. I'm not exactly sure what you're after here. You can stick the cap on a decoupler and it'll eject fine. The little one just didn't clear in the screen shot because the sequence bugged and it fired at the same time as the lower one, which shoved the payload against the top. ...tho it means the small one can't fit a parachute normally, as my multi-chute adaptor won't fit inside. Hurm, maybe if I... (I could probably make one with an partial collision mesh to 'cheat' around it, tho, if you want) That had been my original idea, but as Jack said, the way collision meshes work right now it's impossible. A more open interior could only be done by breaking it down further into more parts. Spiffy. Nice to see people enjoying my work.
  7. Challanging to fly, and you need the multi-parachute adaptor from my parts pack, but you can* land anywhere** reasonably*** level. *Probably. **On the day side of the planet. ***Very level.
  8. Thanks. I actually made the multi-'chute adaptor as part of a series of rockets culminating in the Apogee I Heavy Lander ...the less said about my attempts to land a rocket on it's side, to make use of a pair of ski parts I threw together*, the better. *(the ski part isn't in the pack)
  9. (Update: Working download link, symmetry, reversed multichutemount added) Just a few things I\'ve thrown together. Someone asked for a part on another forum, so I figured I\'d upload what I had. http://www.gamefront.com/files/21490812/WuffMod02.rar Here we have a canister panel sized for Sunday Punch\'s 3-meter adapters. And yes, that\'s a twin stack of radial decouplers on them, the second one being there as a spacer as I want to maximise internal volume. This pic features the larget panels, which come in tall and short(not shown) sizes, as well as end caps sized to fit Sunday Brunch\'s 3-meter parts. Also shown is my first mod part, the multi-parachute adaptor. The files are a bit sloppy and the textures are a sad joke, but they all work.
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