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  1. I like it ! Looks perfect for lofting huge objects into place. Can\'t wait for 'official' ability to put SkyLab into orbit.
  2. Yes, definitely a fan of Tron. Thanks for the compliment on the rocket. That is the end result not only of many hours of work, but many brave Kerbals died in its design phase. As it is, I think it might be more than a tad overpowered. When you get to the Mun you still have about 1/2 of stage #3\'s fuel left and now must jettison to start the descent phase. I have almost as much left when going to Minmus, which surprised me. But overall, as I am not that efficient of a flyer I would rather have a bit too much.
  3. Greetings and salutations fellow intrepid explorers. I have just returned from my first successful venture to Minmus aboard my trusty design, the Aldrin V. This is not to be confused with the less successful Aldrin IV.. please everyone, a moment of silence for those poor fellows stranded on the Mun when their lander flipped over. First, some thanks are in order: to the whole Squad team for giving us such a great game. Second, I have to thank Kosmo-Not for his booster ideas that I shamelessly have stolen for my Aldrin V from his excellent Kosmos Zero ship. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6310.0 Next I want to thank Feanor for his great (and should be included in STOCK!) addon of the 0.5 scale stock parts. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4555.0 Anyone else feel that those landing legs have some spring in them? Or is it that the taller the lander, the more 'bounce' there is because of a lack of rigidity in the joints? It helped a bit when I added some struts. The fins on the lander stage are there for more than esthetics, they also help keep it upright if there is too much bounce on landing. OK, going to try and attach a pic here.. Let\'s see if that works. and here is the lander portion on the Mun:
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