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  1. just use mine it should get you atleast to the mun p.s. you need mechjeb. (sry for spelling.)
  2. nevermind i re installed it and it is in there and work in g except that it\'s now asking for a stack decupuler now
  3. this is the one i got : (and if you can give me a link to the latest virsion pleese do)
  4. ya its relly good but when i try to start it up it says that i need a part from mechjeb evan thogh its installed
  5. i know iv tryed seting up my joystick but it dosent work with ksp,it works with flight simulater X thogh
  6. thats a simple question just get up high and point the rocket in the direction you want to orbit untill you make a circle around said planet,the mun & minmus thogh well... iv not got to ether yet
  7. thanks trbinsc i did not see the little butun at all!!! oh ya thanks for the tip Innsewerants and nice landing!
  8. thx forgot ill make a new download link
  9. i know it still needs some landing gear since im still in the demo
  10. no it has the command module with some winglets and some rcs on it
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