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Everything posted by czokletmuss

  1. Derp, you are right of course, these are NTRs not electric ones - my bad. I agree with the flawed thinking about VASIMR as a magic engine which could take us to Mars in a few weeks - it won't 'cause we don't have enough powerful energy source and the mass of the reactor to power VASIMRs will be huge, thus lowering the TWR. Having said that, do you know anything about current research on NTRs? The advantage of VASIMR is that, well, it will be tested on ISS in the next year or two. Do we even have any NTR at the moment? On the other hand VASIMR can provide the efficient and cheap way to transport stuff from LEO to Moon orbit: If you want more than fancy animation go to the AdAstra homepage: http://www.adastrarocket.com/aarc/Technology
  2. I didn't mention one thing: while accelerating (Z pressed all the time) in x2 = no problems, x3 = no problems, x4 = pod said goodbye to the ship. Also after 1-2minutes of accelerating on x2 the pod broke off from the rcs tank attached atop to the engine and bombs. I hope it'll help somehow (?).
  3. Why not? You would get more feedback and maybe someone would find the cause of the problem.
  4. What is a landing without few 360 flips and decent amount of panic and screams?
  5. Well yeah but what if I want to move KSC to Laythe? Seriously though, with this adapter we don't need fancy FTL to travel to other stars. Where do you put corrective engines on Orion? Each "bang" changes delta-V for c.100 m/s which makes precise flying impossible.
  6. It's SLIGHLT overpowered, which kinda ruins the drama of space travel. I run some tests: I'm starting from low Kerbin Orbit, c.5-6t of payload, target - Eve. Crew pod broke off but I still have 271 bombs left and guess what? Kerbin-Eve in 47 hours! With additional bombs I can easily increase payload and reduce time travel, although 0.001c is quite impressive. With Orions you can get to Eeloo and back in few weeks! And without this Hohmann transfer nonsense or planet alignement. You know what we need guys? BIG 5-1 adapter: you put 5 Orion engines, on top of them 5 bomb tanks, than adapter and some 100-200t of payload. Voila, you have your ISS above Bop in few days
  7. When it is released, first thing I do will be to rescale it to 1.25m and recreate Hot Rod test
  8. Okay, thank you for info, I'll try to change this.
  9. This is the visualisation of the latest NASA's idea (Mars Design Reference Architecture 5.0) As you can see it was conceptualized beofre the cancellation of the Constelation programe. Pity that we currently don't have any means to provide enough energy for electromagnetic thrusters like VASIMR (note that the Crew Transfer Vehicle in the animation uses three of small electromagnetic engines while the solar panels wouldn't suffice even for one). And this is how AdAstra (company which is working on VASIMR) sees the potential of their engine:
  10. Okay so is it permittable to "recycle" abandoned mods? Or is it illegal?
  11. Je pense que "an owl". Anyway, how do you say "that's cool" in French?
  12. It better be or "Proteus" isn't going anywhere EDIT: Okay, the engine is working but it has some problem with the nodes; some idea how to change this?
  13. I posted it in March but then the April came and destroyed everything. I hope it will be useful!
  14. Glad to hear that Orion flag is a little glitchy though
  15. I asked Peenvogel in the flag request thread to do some Constellation flags because Bobcat is finishing his Ares + Orion pack, so in case you are interested here they are:
  16. That's awesome/C'est chouette! You, mon ami, are one of the best modders here, there is no doubt about this
  17. UPDATE! I managed to partially transfer spacecraft from Grand Tour save to the 0.20 KSP: What's even better, I will now be able to use MechJeb 2 instead the 1.9.8 version. However, there is still a lot work needed to be done and I mean by this mostly lack of mod updates: I will probably be forced to rebuild some ships or at least modify them to ensure that everything works properly. And I will have to use HyperEdit to put all these spacecraft back where they belong = when we stopped (Moho low orbit). Anyways, with new parts and new possibilities the journey will be even more interesting Edit: I will probably have to ask you for some advice concerning tweaking some old mods to work in 0.20 but for now Kethane Miner and LAMGL are operational
  18. Gateaway Platform uses MPLM, Node and Zvezda from ISS, so I just used ISS and Bobcat parts
  19. It had to be done: POLAND CAN INTO SPACE!
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