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  1. ok i agree that the rcs makes it easy but these 'pods' aren\'t supposed to land softly
  2. I challenge who ever thinks that they can build a working ODST pod(from Halo) to do so. Conditions are: All rockets must be 'droped' from 100,000m high can contain 1 tank of RCS fuel can be used for mun (Difficulty easy) 1 RCS thruster can be used for minmus (Difficulty Heroic) 2 RCS thruster Can be used for Kerbin (Difficulty Legendary) # RCS thruster [Kerbin landers may NOT use jets or rockets] [Kerbin landers may use parachutes but CANNOT be deployed under 1000m(must be detached before then)] Most successful pod wins(style points included) Here is an image link to an ODST pod http://images.wikia.com/halo/es/images/0/07/Halo3-ODST_PodConcept-03-1-.jpg And of course good luck everybody.
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