ArmA II - OST- Chernarussian Anthem Hello, all the people of this beautiful community for a beautiful game. I\'m not a very good writer so I probably can\'t write a very good introduction other than: I play games, eat, go on the shitter and sleep and go to school. Thankfully not in that order but you should get the concept. Now, for my questions about the game. 1. Boosters How do I make them detatch as soon as their fuel is dry? Actually, how can I make them detatch like a normal stage? I\'ve seen Robbaz do it a couple times. I have no idea what the mod for these special boosters are but it should be the same for all, right? 2. Nosecones How in the bloody hell do I use them (The big ones with mods and such) over my capsule? 3. General: How the hell do I...? 3.a How do I make a stable ship? All my ships end up being wobbly wobbly wobble woom sham biggedobyy before exploding and mushing together with the capsule killing all my Kerbanauts making the mission a complete failure? 3.b How do I make a big ship? What are good tactics, what should I think of when making a successful one? 3.c Sometimes when my ship moves extremely fast and I try to detach a stage the latter stage hits the earlier stage and often this results in a 'kerblamm'. 4.derp How do I make a moon lander on top of a larger rocket that somehow is capsuled inside a nosecone or something? That ought to be it. I shall return with more questions and bogus later!