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Everything posted by Semo

  1. Hahaha thats great! You'll be happy to know that i spend 3 miserable nights blowing up, crashing and all that good kerbal stuff we love so much. Here's my stupid soft-lander rocket
  2. Ha i feel really great atm! Hi guys i just made it to Duna for the first time!
  3. Made this one some time ago for a challange. It almost made it I was planning something similar to this topic actually.. Built a Goblin air ship! Might combine this challenge with another one.. to be continued!
  4. So basically you grabbed an object in space with a claw yeah?
  5. Anyone tried this yet? 8) This is not mine btw http://youtu.be/fhMAefpes04
  6. Gratz! Nice time as well! Might have to rethink my design
  7. Thanks everyone! Worked all day on that ship. You know... we should all be able to do this. I mean we shoot rockets up in the air with no problem but getting them back? Noooo =P Good luck everyone!
  8. Succes! Total mission time 3h 9m 41s (-2.5%) Total distance 276.780m Highest speed land 45m/s Highest speed water +/- 28m/s Damaged Probe at the runway Video Yeah that was an awesome challenge that i\'m never doing again Its hard as balls and it took me a LONG LONG time to get it right. But i did it! 8)
  9. Here is my first fail. Actually it\'s my second fail. The first time i broke of one of the engine from the probe and it turned waird. I had to redesign my ship. http://youtu.be/evoFX0dVklo Sry for the blackbars.. i need to get rid of moviemaker.. sugestions?
  10. Thanks for this awesome model/ parts! I remember Space 1999 from long long ago Here is my custom version of the Eagle. Added some jet engines and wings and turned it into a starwing. Now if only someone could make a real starwing model
  11. My propeller propelled chopper 8) http://youtu.be/wXDA1vvrR3M
  12. Did you install the KOSMOS hotfix? Coz that broke the game for me
  13. Thanks for the info! This helps me out a lot! However may i suggest you or someone ells make a step by step tutorial? maybe even a video? Now i\'m not scared to mess around with a couple of files and edit some parameters but a lot of people are. But this will probably be added in a future update anyway i assume?
  14. Yeah i looked at it. Feels a bit like cheating to me.. Its the trick to get it into orbit. Isn\'t that the challenge?
  15. KOSMOS space station parts Zoxygene Dynasat Satellites and Solar Panels PowerTech Electrical Energy And maybe some other parts but with that\'s about it
  16. So here is my station. I dont think my pc can handle a bigger one because this one is al ready lagging my pc pretty bad. The take off took forever! I might need to built a smaller and simpler rocked for the next one. Anyway here it is. PE: 80 km AP: 222 km [MS] Kerbal Orbiter MK-I It was designed with the ion engines in mind. Note all the battery packs. I made the mistake of thinking the solar panels would recharge my batteries. I ran out of juice so i was not able to get a circular orbit. (am i missing a plugin? ) It has a fully working live support system that supports long and deep space travel (if you have power ). Dark sides of Kerbin and the Mun are no problem. It has no docking ports or an escape pod. The MK-I is just a prototype to see if it would make it into orbit. Apparently the designers where not too confident in their work and decided it would be cheaper to leave it out for now. The crew is pretty much doomed to stay up there if they want to live. It is pretty though!
  17. Hey guys Just want to report in and say hi. I got kerbal yesterday after i played the demo to pieces and i dived right into the space station mods. I hope this will grow even further and become a major part of the game. Looking at all the progress with mods and stuff i\'m confident this game will eat up my time for months to come! Here is my first try of a space station. Took me all day to get it into orbit of the Mun but its finally there! Nice and steady at 12 KM I\'ll be working on more and better station but i\'m having a hard time with some parts and mods. They dont all work with 0.15
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