It concerns me because it sounds a lot like they just want to get 1.0 out the door, so they can say that they've 'finished'. Regardless of any promises about continued updates, they can basically drop the game at that point if they want to, or at the very least cut development down to a skeleton crew -- slowing any bug fixes or updates considerably. Because hey, it's not an alpha or a beta anymore, it's not early access! We 'finished' it! We slapped that big ol' "ONE POINT OH" on there, so it's done. Surely nobody can deny that there is something extremely on-the-nose about jumping from the first 'beta' release -- during which they assured everyone that the beta phase would have multiple updates, bug fixes and features being fleshed out etc -- straight to a final version. They have directly contravened what they said would happen. However much kool-aid the people on this forum want to drink, and lavish their undying affection on Squad, there is something very off about this new plan.