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Everything posted by stealth_dorf

  1. I was going to practice archery, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
  2. I just got me a functioning dreamcast. What are some cool spacey games I should find for it? (I thought PSO, but the servers are down for good).
  3. Hello All! After having played this game for 3-4 days, a ton of math, and learning the basics of everything, I can finally present to you my proudest (and really my first) accomplishment, the Exodus 7! *Stage 4 rockets have enough power to get the vessel out of Kerbins atmosphere. *Stage 3 rockets have enough power to get the vessel into a stable orbit around Kerbin. *Stage 2 Rockets have enough power / fuel to set course for the Mun, and land on the Mun. *(also might be enough fuel to get back to Kerbin, but probably not.) *Stage 1 is just the capsule decoupler and parachute. I hope you all enjoy!
  4. I just thought it would be fun to write a short story, based off of those who survive my newbie-level launches... and landed back on the planet without seeing Mun. These are ultimately dark comedy, or an attempt at it. If people generally like it, I will definitely write more Chapter 1: Donney I never thought I would be one to explore space, not until I heard my brother, Ed, was still alive. I had always dreamed of being an engineer, and my brother always wanted to fly rockets; I thought him foolhardy. The last Kerbal in my family to wind up in one of those death traps was my great uncle, Sidfred, who had just finished doing time for selling illegal modules on the streets of Kerbopolis. The ships were normally piloted by those who had a brain, but needed a leg up in life, or dreamers who stared too long at the Mun. Ed was a dreamer, and the first survivor to land back on earth since the Derpy Express began it\'s 28th re-invention and voyage. I don\'t know who named it that or why, but the name must have been cursed. The first time it was built, it never left the landing pad, collapsing in on itself and killing all who were on board. This has been going on for years, until two years ago on the fateful journey. No ship ever saw its brave pilots return alive, but I remember. It was a frosty January, and Ed had boarded what we all thought to be his last trail in life. I watched with my mother, Edna, as the ship made it into orbit. We watched as it spiraled into the heavens, and we watched as it made four rotations around our planet; the first ship to ever make it into orbit. The Kerbopolian newscast was ecstatic! Dreams of Mun seemed to be a reality as the ship readied itself with Ed on board. For a brief period I was proud for him, and felt bad for doubting him, until a crewmate of his named Jebediah, an empty headed kerb, caused a malfunction in the couplings containing his engine. The ship did make it back to the planet, and we waited for it to be over, but for the first time in history the survivors lived as their cabin made a water landing. I happily thought they would be rescued, but I was wrong. No one knew how to rescue them, for we Kerbs never look to the seas, and only to the skies. I knew that my days as a simple engineer were over; It was time for me to fly. Two years of training later, I Donney, and the two Kerbs Billy-Bobly and Geofrim, boarded the 40th flight of the Derpy Express to locate where he had crashed. This time, it was not simply a rocket but a new technology. I nervously glanced down the speedway as Billy-Bobly began to panic, and Geofrim let loose a smile more sinister than 39 flights of twisted metal. It was time to meet my destiny! (Next will be Chapter 2: Day 1... If anyone wished to read more)
  5. Ah thank you! I just bookmarked the wiki page. And thank you all for the warm welcome! Also, I had no problems, everything went very smoothly. I will probably start browsing around the wiki now. I just spent the last hour looking up youtube videos to figure out what is what haha. I am thinking that once I figure everything out properly, if I have time, I might try to put together a pdf guide for reference and new players (mainly so I do not forget things as I play). If I do that, I will post it up! I think it could be helpful. I\'m going to browse around the forums for a bit now, and the wiki. Wish me luck on a munar landing!
  6. Hello fellow Kerbanauts! I just joined today and got a full copy of the game, after playing around with the demo for a little bit. I think this game is very fun, and I am excited to get to know the community more! I am curious though, is there a reference chart anywhere that tells you what the different parts of the spacecraft do? I only really know how to use the solid fuel thrusters, basic decouplers, and parachute. I have no idea what to do with the 'engines, engine casings, air intakes, etc.' I am pretty new, but I think this will be a good beginning place to learn how to get into and stay in space Nice to meet you all! and thank you for any advice ;D
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