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Everything posted by Panichio

  1. I haven\'t been very active on the forums lately ever, so I have no idea what is happening a lot of the time. What parts and packs are you working on or planning to work on currently Nova? Curious because whenever a new one comes out, it\'s always a game changer for me.
  2. I haven\'t personally gotten closer without crashing after a few minutes, but I have seen people orbiting around 700 meters.
  3. I was wondering Nova, are you still planning on making a rover? Because that would be awesome.
  4. But doesn\'t it just shrink back to basically nothing then start expanding again? With a nearly identical or completely identical new universe. I don\'t know, I heard that somewhere.
  5. 7/10, kind of cool. Don\'t know what it is though. Well, I think the same could be said for mine as well though.
  6. That\'s awesome! Though, is there a way to make it go more smoothly with out the throttle going up and down so much? (Sorry for crap explanation).
  7. Can\'t wait for all these new plugins to be released.
  8. That looks great! Is it possible to make your astronauts die when it depletes?
  9. Hilarious! Can\'t believe you managed to make such an asymmetrical design and still get it to the Mun and back. Well done!
  10. Oh my - I have so many, but here a few! Man... this list will go on for a while actually, so I better leave it at that, but a lot would be by Led Zeppelin. They\'re my favorite band by far.
  11. I think we have enough lander engines. You should try it as an upper stage engine and see how it performs and what it looks like.
  12. I used to have the game on steam, forgot what happened to it though. Online never worked for me anyway.
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