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Posts posted by BoJaN

  1. I'm having the exact same issue as #1, I've determined it's not a problem with the camera movement but a problem with clicking and dragging, Even a left mouse drag causes horrible stuttering. Rotating the camera with my PS3 controller is smooth and dragging windows around with left mouse kills the framerate, I think the problem is KSP is being bombarded with mouse move events and performing ui logic hundreds(or thousands?) of times a second.

  2. I get microfreezes within the editor every second or so when using this. The mechjeb menus now cause microfreezes even when not using the engineer parts, and mechjeb GUIs are locking all other buttons in the editor when you mouseover mechjeb so I'm assuming this mod changed something to the GUI engine which is causing microfreezes with any modded menu.

    Edit: I uninstalled it and the problem still persists, It's the only new addition to my installation... Any ideas?

  3. Working for me. That is within the Mun's SOI and relaying via a quick rocket I sent up vertically from ksp to get los. The relay near ksp is aimed at the Mun, the Mun bound rocket is aiming at Kerbin.


    I attached my version below until JDP can get around to doing a proper fix. I couldn't figure out the map issue, so I disabled it, the show path button will do nothing on this version.

    The path line issue is an easy one, I simply changed it to

    line.SetPosition(i, ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(network.ControlPath.nodes[i].Position));

    The only issue now is it lags behind when rotating the map view but it's better than nothing. I'm not sure how to fix this without some proper API documentation

  4. Could you make it load Autorun.lua? I downloaded the source and modified it myself to do it, but I'd rather not do it every update.

    public void LoadAutorun()
    LuaRuntime.GlobalEnvironment = luaEnv;
    LuaRuntime.RunFile("Autorun.lua", luaEnv);
    catch(Exception e)
    log += "Autorun Failed.\n";
    log += e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message + "\n";

    Easy peasy

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