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Everything posted by tlowe90

  1. i changed the default mappings and whenever i remap with a combo (LB+left stick axis x) it doesn't apply the first button press. for instance, i remapped roll to left stick x axis and yaw to lb + left x axis. when pressing lb + left axis it rolls instead of yaws. don't know why but other then that i like the mod.
  2. i was launching a craft and about halfway to orbit my computer blue screened. some modules from mechjeb no longer show up in flight. is there a way someone can direct me to which directory the save state or whatever is so i can try to fix it. it was my career save so ill be bummed if i can't get some much needed telemetry
  3. if you need to change to a joystick button and joystick button 1 or 0 doesn't work try the ones on the page under the button names section. http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/Input.html
  4. this is all very interesting guys! i learned a lot that i didn't even think about before. so thank you for the edu-macation XD
  5. OK, i had this idea where you could make power in space from air and the suns heating properties. forgive me if this idea is completely irrational as i have no schooling in any form of this sort of thing. so oxygen on earth is heated by the sun but takes energy to remove it... would it be possible to use the fact that space is cold to exploit the sun heating then space its-self cooling liquid oxygen as a renewable recourse? kinda how nuclear reactors heat up water to steam but using the sun and space. once again i'm not stating that this WOULD work but asking someone who could tell me. (i swear i'm not one of those "free energy" quacks on youtube XD)
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