I kinda have to post my own theory on this slowdown, in addition to the between-release-slump (and bear in mind, although my forums account isn't that old, I've been playing since the first public version, 7.something, and have lurked on the forums just as long): These forums have been here for years. Since the game started, I've gone through many changes - the largest being that I went through my 3 years of high-school, and started university. A practical (though sad) result of that is that I don't have time for everything that I used to do. My point is that I'm sure that many of the older/original players have also changed or have had their lives change while enjoying KSP and being part of the community, and it may just be a case of people moving on in life. Will the forums die out? No way. As others have written here before me, there will always be a core of KSP fanatics (for lack of a better term ), but also you will be seeing many new players, and returning old players.