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Everything posted by J_Man_X_663

  1. A pretty long video, but its basically me giving a commentary on my shuttle I made that is mostly stock, (except for 2 parts), the thing is only 69 parts! which is a bonus, it is capable of getting 2 kerbals to orbit and taking 2 back from orbit, except for my dodgy landing, the thing flies really well... For a shuttle... FAR is also used with this craft... Video: Sorry I don't have any images yet :/
  2. Part clipping is enabled, option (Mac) I think Alt (on Windows), fn, and F12. This brings up your menu for cheats, part clipping and other fun things
  3. Try fast forwarding time (x5) with you're kerbal selected, then he should stand up when you stop warping
  4. used to play on 2GB, now I play on 8GB and I LOVE IT!! :3
  5. Congrats on the 1,000,000+ Views on this thread guys!! wow, new milestone right there
  6. When you have any craft in the atmosphere, (I think it is under 35km?) the game loads any craft that are up to 2.5km away ( they have to be in flight, or some sort of trajectory) this is to prevent EXTREME lag that can occur with multiple craft around the solar system. when something is moving and you reach 2.5km away from it, it automatically deletes it, for example, you're booster drop of at 8km, say, by the time you have reached 11km you're boosters are now 2.5km away ( guestimating here) so the game automatically 'ends flight' for each of you're 4 boosters, and to prove this, watch the boosters fall off and disappear. a way to overcome this is to install a mod by Romfarer called the "Lazor" Mod, with this you can change the distance of which you're craft load at.
  7. Wow... I loved reading this, and I normally don't like reading :3 Please continue, it definitely has my intrest, because of the fact I myself love the kethane mod, but NO WAY can i build anything over 150 parts without some lag starting to kick in ( I need a better laptop aha ), makes this interesting to read....
  8. aha i am running a stock macbook unibody, 2.4 GHz, with 2Gb of RAM, it struggles at about 100 parts (25 fps) and really struggles at about 300-340 (2-3 fps).. so I think I will have to pass on this...
  9. Wow... This looks really good, you got my support mate!! +1
  10. I have a youtube channel and one of the things I figured is you need to be consistant with uploading videos, I try to help out as many people as I can on my Channel for the sake of building a good reputation with them , The programs I use Recording: Quicktime Editing: IMovie & Final Cut Pro X ( I am on a mac too )
  11. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/28616-WIP-Plugin-Extraplanetary-Space-Centers%21 here it is
  12. Wow, you sir have done an excellent job here, sadly im running a slow laptop, it starts to lag to about 5fps around 200-250 parts, i would love to help you. But im afraid I can't, you should be proud of your creation though. Very very neat
  13. basically, Exporting the file from blender and in what format, and making the textures.... sorry if it was a bit confusing aha
  14. I have been using Blender for 3 weeks now and just yesterday I started going crazy making SRB's and a Liquid fuel engine, I am sorta getting the ideas of writing CFG files but I have no idea what-so-ever about all these other files in a part folder. So here is my basic knowledge, Kinda know CFG's (I have written 1) and I think I know blender pretty good for where im at. Also another problem I am having is exporting these models, collision mesh (I think thats what its called) and textures. I am using mac as well to add to the challenge aha. If someone could please help me with these small problems that would be great thanks!
  15. That looks so cool, you sir deserve a medal. aha brings back so many memories of when i used to fly my R/C EDF planes.... shame they didn't have as much power as this EDF aha
  16. Good job mate, looks really flash Keep up the great work!!
  17. Got bored in class and threw this together, you can use it for whatever you want, no permission needed, just make sure you put my name in it for the original creator
  18. Maybe you are building your rockets to big, maybe with to much power :0. But the only way i can think of to overcome this problem is to do a few test with many different types of these three man rockets. and come to a conclusion through trial and error.
  19. Unlucky, if that is your first time landing on the moon, congrats! but getting him back might be a slight problem, your could send a 3 man craft with 2 kerbal's in it but even then landing in the right spot is still a bit tricky.... good luck tho
  20. Hello, i am just wondering in the new update coming out, .17 if someone could please put a secure file or something for the KSP game on mac. This is because one of my friends at school has bought the game and he is sending it to everyone else, all i want is the best for SQUAD. these guys work way to hard and i think they are loosing big money because of this. If you could adjust the file so that you cannot send it or copy it or something to prevent this, Best regards
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