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Posts posted by invalid8

  1. The penultimate stage usually consists of a fuel tank and rocket. I\'ve been strapping landing struts to the side of a fuel tank but, because of the circular shape, the struts are never quite even. It has a habit of toppling over and exploding... The only idea I have to fix this is to place the struts all around it..It wont be pretty but it could work.

    Do you use the symmetry tool?

    Use three landing legs. Because three points define a plane, all three legs should remain on the surface. Obviously that\'s only any good if your centre of gravity isn\'t so high it ends up falling over anyways :P

  2. Fascinating? No. Minmus is a trial in patience and determination, and a strong argument for a height-to-ground display. My first attempt at landing never evoked such a fast change in display on my face before with a game. 'Doing good, just keep this little burn going and I should be just fine. Hmm, seeing some detail, wonder if OHMYGODAMILANDINGONEVEREST? ...nuts.'

    That\'s why you\'ve got to aim for the ice lakes! They are absolutely flat and guaranteed to be at 0m. Minmus\' gravity is so low it barely costs anything to adjust your flight path.
  3. Who needs stability, steerability or even fuel to remain airborne? Behold the weeqeewasUntitled Space Cr!



    Unfortunately I can\'t show you how it flies... erratically, to say the least. But all I have to do is take off, keep Q held down, and it\'ll remain airborne indefinitely even without fuel. Depending on how careful you are, you can even make it gain height! This began as a lark, but I wonder how far it could be taken... is it possible to build one that remains stable? Is it possible to build one that gains height consistently? Is it possible to build one that is even somewhat steerable, even though it must spin constantly? I\'d be interested in seeing others\' designs!

  4. Being able to have parts snap to angles is a great feature! However, it doesn\'t work well with struts. Placing the base of the strut is easy because it snaps to angles, but the other end of the strut, as far as I can tell, won\'t snap to anything so you are forced to to eyeball it. This is rubbish because I\'m very picky about my rockets being symmetrical, and so is physics. But am I wrong? Is there a way to persuade the ends of struts to snap to angles?

  5. I have another question which isn\'t actually anything to do with this one but I didn\'t really fancy making a new thread, especially since I\'m not sure where the right place for it would be!

    What does 'simulate in background' do? Disabling it gives me a silky-smooth framerate but since I don\'t know what it\'s actually for I\'m a little wary still.

  6. The problem is kind of self-perpetuating in that my understanding of how the navball moves in relation to the rocket and the ground is shockingly bad. I just can\'t seem to tie it all together in my mind at all. Are there any tips for this, or is it something that will come more easily with practice?

    I also kind of wish the navball didn\'t default to having north pointing down, but I have no idea if north pointing up would actually be any better.

  7. I know that this doesn\'t bode at all well for my astronautical aspirations, but I cannot seem to get a grip on the basic rocket controls. More specifically, what are pitch and yaw relative to? What should I be looking at on the screen to determine which way the rocket will start tilting when I pres butan?

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