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Everything posted by Diabloblaze24

  1. Ok thanks for the info just not used to a better aerodynamic model so thought that the CoL only had to just be behind the CoM I see that's not the case, why is it that i can control the craft fine when SAS is not enabled?
  2. Well found the answer myself after extensive research, apparently having multiple engines in a swept wing design with the angled control surfaces causes this issue, now i wonder if this is a bug or intended so no idea where to go from here....
  3. http://imgur.com/zabp2G1 http://imgur.com/mDPClbZ Images for anyone still willing to help.
  4. Thanks slugy i'll give that a try Even with no changes to control surfaces I have the same issue I even attempted disabling the torque from the capsule in flight and it still has the same issue, currently not at my home computer with images but i will try and get some pasted in when i get home.
  5. Hello having severe issues with SAS while in flight with a particular set up on a plane everything regarding CoM and CoL, seems to be correct the CoL is behind CoM. but the second I enable SAS in flight the whole craft will go begin a full pitching up and/or down violently without stopping, sometimes it simply occolates between full pitch up or pitch down other times it holds full pitch up/down and makes a loop without me touching anything. Help would be appreciated
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