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Everything posted by Accidentally

  1. im curious as to what the cylinder is at the top left corner of your decals page, I saw a vid on utube where someone made a vtol with this part, and was wondering what pack its from Edit: nevermind, Good sir I found it in the Damned Aerospace, just in case anyone else was wondering
  2. having another Sun with its own planets would be huge, I\'m sure it would slow processing down but maybe the option for multiple Sun/Galaxys If there Was a way to have each sun Represent a player and one could visit their galaxy, rather than the persistence file sharing, it would just be Amazing to zoom out of the sun and see surrounding players, but i know multiplayer like that would be far away, just an idea
  3. great idea seeing your post inspired me to create a space station for claw docking, my aim is to 'hug' the other ship, rather than 'hold hands'
  4. I\'ve got a spankin new utube channel up, and have started a let\'s play series, on a laptop so it takes a little longer to upload vids, but once i get a nice rig, Oh man ill have vids flyin\' up faster than you can say Kerbal Space Program. my plan also is to pay/donate for a second copy, in my eyes $30 is still a great deal for a game this great, especially considering most 60 dollar games are crap at the moment i consider youtube a hobby, so i don\'t monetize my vids however if i happen to become a youtube star, and with permission from a dev, i would monetize and i would gladly donate anything i make from the vids, i just feel more comfortable asking first rather than just doing
  5. 10/10 headless Kerbanaught, don\'t wanna run in to that in deep space
  6. Hello everybody, loving this game, it takes so many hours away from my life, but it\'s so worth it.
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