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Everything posted by j-tk

  1. Hey all, watched Gravity last night, and still twitching like Sheldon because my wife won't let me point out all the inaccuracies of the movie (you know, Hubble, ISS, China all in the same plane, etc, etc, etc, one size spacesuit fitting all with no cooling garment on, etc, etc, etc) So, to my dear friends at Kerbal, my first step, and really biggest challenge, is there a way to add a Female Kerbal to the Game? (Pref one that looks like a certain celebrity). Thanks! Tib
  2. Holy.. what mod(s) are those, gorgeous scenery and craft textures!
  3. OMG, so sleepy I read that as KSP METHLab lol
  4. Hey, have loved using this in the past- do you have another DL link for it? The one above is giving me a corrupted ZIP file. Thanks! EDIT: NM, uninstalling 7-Zip corrupted my system, had to go back and reset folder configs and reboot. Thanks for a great stock rocket!!!
  5. Moho, even with mechjeb the burns to the inner plans drive me nuts lol. As Jeb said, you should be able to just point at the big round bright thing and wind up near it lol
  6. OMG if I could render models like that, I'd never sleep. Alas, I can't even make a straight line in Paint"
  7. The whole SLS launch vehicle!! That is awesome looking! Which mod(s)? And is there a craft file or did you assemble her? Thanks!
  8. All was working well, till Jeb reached for his slurpee, resulting in the capsule bouncing off the roof and landing between buildings, never to be found again
  9. If you want to finish her in her final flight profile, here's a Thermal Tile Pic courtesy Nasa in her final phase. My dad also retired from Nasa after many years in the LCC, I have great shots of her up close and personal I can send you as well. http://mediaarchive.ksc.nasa.gov/imageviewer.cfm?mediaid=65589&mr=l&w=0&h=0&fn=2013-2327&sn=KSC-2013-2327
  10. Looking forward to a full range a rockets in the pack, looks great so far, thanks for your hard work!
  11. Wife was talking to me as I was heading to Mun, noticed at the last second I didn't time my burn right leaving Kerbin, so switched on MechJeb to save the day!
  12. That is my new quote I'm going to greet new people I meet with for the rest of my life lol
  13. On what will probably be a one way trip anyways, our Heroic Kerbals look back, at Mun Eclipsing their homeworld, while off to the Left in Deep space, little more than a Ball of light, Minmus shines away...
  14. Wow! thank you all for the time/effort in these mods, they are simply amazing!
  15. And of course, Kerbal rise, From Kergemoppollo 8:
  16. In memory of the crew who saved the Kerbals by splitting an asteroid into two parts, one of which settled in orbit around Kerbin:
  17. Wait: some of you DON'T use Kerbals AS Probes?
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