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  1. Trying to make a new command pod thingy, and so far it\'s been working okay. However, there is one issue I need sorted. I intended for this command pod to have onboard fuel storage (much like how the fuselages in the C7 pack have onboard fuel). However, adding some fuel tank parameters to the part file does not seem to give it fuel (but it does have fuel crossfeed, at least). What am I forgetting to do? Is it even possible to do what I\'m trying to do? File is my part file for the model, for reference. http://uploading.com/files/get/7f15741a/part.cfg
  2. Guess I\'m going to need more rockets and ramjets, then, and lose the decouplers. And throw in some SAS modules. Current version has absolutely no SAS other than the cockpit, which makes keeping it stable a massive challenge. I\'ll start work on it tomorrow and get back to you.
  3. My Gotha flying-wing design can get to the moon, land, roll around a bit as an impromptu rover, then right itself and return to Kerbin. It\'s also capable of Minmus missions, as can be seen here. Here\'s Gotha itself. img31.imageshack.us/img31/1157/gothat.jpg
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