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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. You make some of the best looking mod parts around!
  2. How about some (purely cosmetic?) exhaust pipes? Perhaps they could make sound as well, depending on the throttle. It feels a little strange driving my dune buggies in complete silence
  3. Looks great! Which ones are those big monster truck like wheels in the middle back?
  4. This is awesome! Thank you
  5. Any chance you could update or re-upload the part? I love it but only have it on my laptop which I don't have right now
  6. I created these to see how hard it would be to make. Paper Industries Is proud to present to you the first release of our P-4 range of 'slightly' used, possibly defect parts. First up we have a wing. It\'s straight and it\'s flat and it might fly. We might release a larger version for larger aircraft at some point... Second is a tail. Just add a rudder and your aircraft might turn. We\'re currently looking into adding some additional fins for increased stability. Pics: Next up will probably be some form of landing gear!
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