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  1. So since 0.16 came out I haven't played much but when I first got it I tried creating a ship that can carry 3 kerbals using the new large parts, and I used my design from before and it just had so many problems that I gave up, and i've just tried again and I can successfully get a 1 kerbal ship into orbit and back, but my 3 kerbal ship was sitting on the launch pad and it just destroyed it's self and blew up on the launch pad. I then tried a new design and when I got off the ground the ship was vibrating and all moving and swinging, so I aborted the mission (my command module had the asas on top and then the parachute) and when I deployed the parachute it ripped it's self off the ship and everyone died :| So can someone give me some basic advice on how to use the new parts properly please :S
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