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Everything posted by Fortunateson1969

  1. I\'m sorry but DAMN that is an ugly baby. I\'d like to take part in this challenge but I run into the sluggish Command Pod issue, where the command pod takes on the traits of the ship it used to be attached to. Bummer man
  2. You lucky ducks at Squad...You might have worked for your respective Software Engineering Concerns before, but now you\'re (sorta) bigtime. making your own hours, paying your own salaries, working out of your mom\'s basement...Living the life man. I bet when you left your companies for Squad you thought you\'d never have to do another dreaded code review again. You were wrong. Just kidding. Kind of. 1.) I got a big ass error just now and was reading through the logfile...is it just me or is it reporting a LOT of errors in strange places-that have nothing to do with my error? Arrays out of bounds, textures not found? I guess that\'s just the charm of an Alpha product huh? 2.) You guys are awesome. Carry on good sirs. -Fortunateson1969
  3. Damn I built the Helicarrier from the Avengers movie and the one from the comic books but I guess I lose this competition...durn. (Just kidding I\'m not that awesome. Interesting idea tho-bonus points if someone can land a craft on the deck )
  4. The Anasazi Family and the Y Prize Foundation have joined forces to bring the Y Prize motto of 'radical breakthroughs for the benefit of kerbanity†to light through incentivized competition. It is no surprise that there is a shortage of resources here on our little blue Kerbal, hydrazine and nozzles don\'t exactly grow on trees do they folks? Therefore, we propose a competition to showcase your ability to work with what you have! $K(Kerbal Currency Units) 10,000,000 to the first private concern to build and launch a craft that can achieve these rules: 1.) You must land a craft on the Mun 2.) You must return it, safely, to Kerbin Sounds easy right? Hold on, finish reading the rules you crazy kids. 3.) Any thrust mechanisms (besides RCS blocks) must be mounted ~90 degrees perpendicular to the 'landing' plane of the craft 4.) The craft that returns to Kerbin must land on that same landing gear (whatever it may be, wheels are recommended) 5.) The craft that returns to Kerbin must propel itself in the atmosphere for at least 100km (that\'s a nice round number) using either the c7 or whatever atmospheric engines you wish 6.) Ideally, the final arresting of forward motion on the Mun and Kerbin would be achieved with the brakes built into the wheels in KSP. 7.) NO PIECES may break off or be destroyed except for those you jettison on purpose. (Meaning you can\'t crash the crap out of a ship and limp home on one engine...the whole point of space planes is repeatability right folks?) That\'s right, the Y Prize Foundation is looking to land a space-plane on the Mun. Why? Because rationality and safety are for the birds. Submit a video of your successful landing/s for consideration! Extra challenge: do it without RCS/without reverse thrust Super Extra Secret Challenge: Do all that, but on Minimus. (Editor\'s note: I spent entirely too much of my time last night devoted to murdering Kerbls by slamming them into the surface of the Mun at Mach 3 and really want to see if this is possible. Like..at all. I felt that after landing on the Mun and putting a constellation of comsats up the next logical move was to develop a reusable space plane for LKO trips...and as we\'ve all seen before my space program stagnated. Now I\'m hiring it out to the Private Sector! Short version of the rules are this: Land a space plane on the Mun the same (but slightly modified) way you would on a runway at home. Reverse thrust is allowed, hovering or tail-sitting is not. Pretty much everything else goes, get it into orbit however, get it back however. Below is my entry-very fluid design as my failures and body count increase.) Post here with any questions-also I\'d love to see your process for designing! Trial and error is 90% of this challenge! EDIT (7/17 19:53): NO SAVES/PERSISTS. Might have been obvious, might not have been. Train all you want with one, but it will not count towards winning the challenge. NO CFG EDITS
  5. The Command Capsule is oriented upwards in the BigTrak, meaning that it\'s not pointed foreward. I would like to modify the parameters of the Mk1 Capsule to make it so that it points foreward so I can use MechJeb and such with the capsule. I suppose that means I won\'t be able to land it anymore though...hm.
  6. Okay, I know there\'s been a push towards turning the BigTrak itself into a command pod for reasons (good ones) but I wish to turn my mk1 pod into a bigtrak only pod. IE I want to fix the problem it has with it being oriented up all the time, making the bigtrak impossible to navigate when on the ground/on top of a rocket/plane. Any suggestions as to what I should do to the part.cfg file to do that? Take a look at my craft to get the idea for what I\'m going for here. (READ: I wish to use mechjeb with my plane, because it\'s a bit finicky and like to use the surf function as an autopilot. I wish to use JumpTrakOne as a mothership for the wee fellow, locate a Munolith, then jump off the plane and land near it, and do my little \'speriments.) PS: I love this thing. It\'s big, it\'s fast, and it does stuff. It takes like 10 meters of runway to take off, but is a lag hog-unless i can use the AP.
  7. My dear dear Innsewerants... Did you ever know... Awesome. Awesome awesome. Now I don\'t have to sit for a minute while my map loads AUGH THIS IS SO RAD YOU ARE MY MUSE
  8. If you\'re using a bunch of SRBs like I do, I\'ve found that I can achieve perfect stability by lashing everything to everything else. Boosters to boosters, boosters to main rocket...
  9. Here\'s another question as I think I may have figured out the rest of my woes. What engine are ya\'ll using on the cuttlefish when you build your own? I\'ve found the large Bertha from the NP pack is a bit...too powerful.
  10. Holy KSPmonauts Kerbman! Is it just me-or have a lot of big names been in on this problem? Or is the KSP community just not that big. I\'ll give this a shot. I\'m not going to complain too much because I\'m sure you\'ve heard it all, but I don\'t look foreward to having to put a capsule in the BigTrak. It\'s hard and I still haven\'t been able to do it right. Thanks all!
  11. 0.90 was the naught value. While I\'m in here and my dreams are being shattered, does anyone get the cuttlefish issue where it spazzes out and tumbles end over end when the petals open? Nothing better than after the long long journey to Minmus it is concluded with your lander going haywire 10m above the deck.
  12. Haha-'It Fails' as in my KSP.exe detonates the same way my BigTraks do on the Munar Surface or 'It Fails' as in it still doesn\'t control them? Edit: Nope. Utter failure. What was that value-should I change it back?
  13. Bah! I simply plan to release the BT\'s in LMO and land them across the face of the Mun. Orient, then land...rolling if neccessary. (On the wheels). Anyway-I can only cram one into the Cuttlefish and for some reason my attempts to customize (read, add a muon detector and some more lights to a BT) anything inside the pre-made cuttlefish or one I assembled myself causes the damn thing to spaz out when I go for landing. Wat and no. Unfortunately I need full SAS/RCS control to execute a Mun landing. Anyway-you guys should see the fantastically stupid way I land the Lab Module on the Mun. There\'s legs at the back of the thing that I land on, then tilt it over so it lands on the front two legs. I\'ve sent NASA the design specs but they haven\'t called me back
  14. Wowee-Mr. BigTrak himself! Cheesewhiz. Looks like I\'ll just have to prep by continuing to put up a Munar Positioning Network until that glorious day. You should have seen the MunLab I Mr. Plucker. You woulda been so proud. (No you wouldn\'t have, I bolted 4 BT\'s onto the side of a rocket like an afterthought in true Kerbal Style)
  15. Pardon my complete ignorance, but I don\'t know what an LFT or an LFE are... I could attach a pic, but how my MunLab works is that there\'s a rocket with a shroud...dome thing who\'s name escapes me at the moment with the MunLab module inside, with a command module on the top, with a MechJeb 1m below it. Then, the BigTrak (4x) are attached radially below that shroud, but on the Munar Insertion Module (One stage below the MunLab technically) I used to have the radial MechJeb shoved up the BigTrak\'s nose, but now I have it resting stylishly on the SAS module. I guess the big question is, could you control your lower, autopilot-controlled stage with the SAS/RCS modules on it?
  16. UGH. That is a total bummer. I guess (hopefully) soon multi-craft controls will be implemented, along with docking (I see them going hand in hand). Looks like my massive expansion onto the Mun is grounded for now
  17. Okay. Let me tell you my dream. I have a burgeoning little colony on the Mun. Using parts from about a dozen plugins and such, the Mun is no longer a thing that Kerbals just look up and wonder about at night. However, due to my lack of piloting prowess, I choose to use MechJeb a bunch. (Actually its mostly to land on a dime while my landings are 'somewhere over yonder' style). My latest Mun Project, MunLab I, stacks a re-designed MunBase module on top of a big ol\' rocket and, I figured since I seem to lose BigTraks more than I can land them, I should throw a whole bunch on there. Using a radial mechjeb to control the now unmanned and autonomous Munolith and Public Transportation craft, I figured that these puddle jumpers would be the bees knees. However, they are not. Upon reaching the mun and preparing to land them one by one (after I got the Lab down of course), I found that I had no control over the beasties like I would if they had a capsule in them. They are still orbiting the Mun, trash for the ages. I was under the impression that the MechJeb modules would allow me to control my craft, sans capsule, as long as it had an SAS module. Now, the puddle jumpers do-am I right? I\'ve tried using (embarrassing) amounts of RCS thrusters, but the things seem to spin my poor traks the opposite direction of the thrust. Oy. Being able to solve this would result in me being able to land a WHOLE lot more on the Mun and beyond and really kick start my exploration (in my own mind). Any thoughts? (Posted to BigTrak to see if they had any answers too)
  18. Okay. Let me tell you my dream. I have a burgeoning little colony on the Mun. Using parts from about a dozen plugins and such, the Mun is no longer a thing that Kerbals just look up and wonder about at night. However, due to my lack of piloting prowess, I choose to use MechJeb a bunch. (Actually its mostly to land on a dime while my landings are 'somewhere over yonder' style). My latest Mun Project, MunLab I, stacks a re-designed MunBase module on top of a big ol\' rocket and, I figured since I seem to lose BigTraks more than I can land them, I should throw a whole bunch on there. Using a radial mechjeb to control the now unmanned and autonomous Munolith and Public Transportation craft, I figured that these puddle jumpers would be the bees knees. However, they are not. Upon reaching the mun and preparing to land them one by one (after I got the Lab down of course), I found that I had no control over the beasties like I would if they had a capsule in them. They are still orbiting the Mun, trash for the ages. I was under the impression that the MechJeb modules would allow me to control my craft, sans capsule, as long as it had an SAS module. Now, the puddle jumpers do-am I right? I\'ve tried using (embarrassing) amounts of RCS thrusters, but the things seem to spin my poor traks the opposite direction of the thrust. Oy. Being able to solve this would result in me being able to land a WHOLE lot more on the Mun and beyond and really kick start my exploration (in my own mind). Any thoughts? (PS: I did try attaching other SAS mods to the BigTrak with no luck. Is this even possible? It seems like it should be-I remember de-orbiting space trash with an attached mechjeb before...now I can\'t seem to remember how.) (Posted to MechJeb to see if they have any answers...)
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