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  1. Thanks once more for your reply What exactly does athmosphereCurve do, or mean? Is it something like air resistance? You mentioned gas mileage? As for my electriccharge hack. Despite batteries, radial ones and packs, being attached directly to the engine, it did not receive any electrichcharge resources, as though it was not connected. Presumably electriccharge behaves differently from liquidfuel and oxidizer. Or perhaps it is because electriccharge has no density? To be honest, I have no idea!
  2. I will have to admit that I am a complete noob. As such, I did not understand everything of your answer. But I'm thankful you responded regardless! If I may pester you a bit more with a slightly related question. I once changed one of the engines to use just ElectricCharge as resource. But upon trying to use that engine, the engine did not do anything at all. Mind, I was smart enough to give the vessel batteries connected to the engine, as well as solar panels. I'll admit that I am trying to 'cheat'. I was hoping to increase how long fuel lasts, without increasing it's weight, or the amount of fuel pieces needed on a ship.
  3. Heya. I have a short question. Does increasing the power/thrust of an engine in the configuration files change the rate at which it consumes fuel?
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