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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. It also does this in orbit of the Mun. Fairings went through lander they were covering when deployed
  2. Yel, full Apollo style mission (except I docked the LEM and command modules in Munar orbit because I brought too much dV). Docked twice with no issues either time. I did start a completely new save, no previous vessel saves, etc. From what I've been reading, it sounds like older saves and vessels may still have issues
  3. Launched on the same rocket. Staged them until the munar lander separated from the command module. Docked them together, EVA transferred the crew, landed on the Mun, then took back off and noticed this trying to set up a docking encounter With regards to yours, I didnt notice a change in the delta v number for my stages though
  4. Issue: Distance of closest approach constantly changes during orbit. Notes: If you have one vessel focused, the closest approach distance will constantly increase. If you focus the other, the distance will constantly decrease. If you time warp, the distance will freeze. Long description: When trying to do a Munar Orbit Rendezvous on a mission. I had to make multiple attempts to get a closest approach lined up since everytime I would get near, my vessels would all of a sudden miss each other by thousands of kilometers. Playing around with this, I set up a bunch of maneuver nodes and got a closest approach of 250m. I took some screencaps and then noted that my approach distaance was now about 2500m.
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