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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. How can I open the resource transfer menu? I plugged in a connector in docked mode but can't open the menu. The explaination sais to alt+click but it doesn't work
  2. Didn't have any issues yet. I noticed I go "into" the ground from time to time when there is a little elevation but usually it never goes any higher then the wheels and I think it's just a bug. And what do you mean by stable? It happens that it tips over the the side so I don't have the up-side of my craft to be paralell to the ground but even then you can still control it or just stop and turn it over again And I also tried going up and down hills, and it works! ^^
  3. After spaceplanes we now have space cars! ^^
  4. Here is my newly designed rover It can spin out of control and still survive, had some test runs on Kerbin an it started spinning and hopping around at more than 50m/s on the ground and nothing broke ^^ If you start rolling and want the up side up again you can just retract the lading gear, roll and voila! You can use RCS or the rockter at the back to move it
  5. apparently reinstalling KSP fixed it. Maybe because my computer created an extra file in virtual store the plugins didn\'t work, don\'t know, but it\'s working now thx for the help and ofcourse thx for the great mod!
  6. I just put the .dll files in the plugin folder and the parts in the parts folder, don\'t really know what I could do wrong there :-/
  7. I know this has been posted several times but I\'ve got parts that say they\'re not available in this version of KSP I installed the latest (or at least I think they are the latest) MuMechlib and Powertech plugin but it still doesn\'t work. I\'ve got KSP 0.15.2 PS: yay! first post ^^
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