Probably one of the more interesting challenges for me has been to build the ultimate carrier/space plane. A plane that carries a smaller spaceplane into the upper atmosphere, where it launches into orbit. My previous attempt was fairly similar to this one, but I\'ve made improvements. The carrier is still large, but it is more streamlined, and now uses atmospheric jets to conserve fuel. The carrier jet is far more fuel efficient, and now can stay in the upper atmosphere for quite a long time. It is also very stable, with no wobble due to support struts. (unless SAS is enabled- SAS causes vibration, but the craft stays together just fine, even at 2x). The launch vehicle will no longer tip backwards uncontrollably, it can fly almost vertically without tipping, or fly horizontally. The orbiter vehicle now includes RCS thrusters which push it away from the launch vehicle. The orbiter can get to a high orbit with fuel remaining in the last tank. It is also a stable plane on it\'s own to glide to re-entry. How to fly Liftoff is very straightforward, maximum throttle on the runway, pulling up. The plane takes off before the end of the runway. Make sure not to pull up too hard, or you can shear off the rear engine. Fly to 14000 feet, then level off. Cut engines, enable RCS, trigger stage decoupling. Then pull up to boost away from the launch vehicle. Throttle up rocket engine, fly to orbit.