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The Cobbler

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Everything posted by The Cobbler

  1. Please get your post into a healthy condition first, I cant even understand whats going on.
  2. You gonna use \'\'our\'\' map for that?
  3. You know, you could also download a mod and just NOT install the engines. Something I can recommend is the Silisko Edition, which is supposed to be more balanced than vanilla KSP.
  4. Siunds nice, I made an Me262 and a Gloster Meteor myself. Sadly I cant test yours now.
  5. Its still called that in some forums . Luigi, I have sone basic designs, but cant test them, so theyre heavy prototypes. Want me to give em?
  6. Novum Templum, could be a religious place like Olympus. (Literally means New Temple) Or Grovanau? For an Eastern European place.
  7. OR you could, you know, let your mind roll on some names?\ Like Kerzof (K has nothing to do with Kerbals here) Or Hinoa Just sayin\'
  8. Im pretty sure I Pm\'ed a lot, lol I still dont really understand the entire email thing, so did the forum send you a message, or what?
  9. Im not sure its even possible to post 100gb in 12 days, with less than 20 people (I think)
  10. While socialism is good, imperialism isnt! When will You get that!
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